liking him

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The first thing Jaemin did when he got to school the next morning was find Haechan. When he did, he pulled the boy to the far end of the hallway, slamming him against the wall with anger in his eyes.

"Woah, woah what's going on here?"

"It's all your fault!" Jaemin protested, a little too loud for the school setting. "You put this idea in my brain and now it won't get out." Haechan looked perplexed, not understanding what Jaemin meant and vocalizing so.

"I'm sorry? What idea?" Jaemin pointed his finger sternly, almost snarling.

"You said I might like Jeno, well whoop-de-doo you were right on the money." Haechan gasped, pushing Jaemin back.

"No way, you really do?"

"Stop acting like you didn't already know."

"I swear I was just playing. I don't even know what Jeno is like." That much was true. Jeno didn't go to their school so all Jaemin really had as proof of Jeno was old photos. He was gonna need something else to prove his point.

"You and Mark are coming over." He left no room for a refusal, up and leaving Haechan the minute that statement was out of his mouth. They needed to see why he was suffering, why his world was turned upside down.

So the three walked into Jaemin's house, not aware of what was waiting for them.

Jeno was dressed in his school uniform still, tie loosened and shoes off. He was dancing by himself to some music that was playing, even going as far as singing along. Jaemin was a little too entranced by the swaying of his hips, watching as he spun round, landing the spin so he was facing the bunch. He squeaked, pretty startled by an audience. Jaemin broke into laughter, unexpected to say the least. He covered his mouth a second later, small breathes still escaping as he saw Jeno move closer.

"Wasn't really expecting anyone to be home so soon." He was blushing and Jaemin loved the color of it, of how pretty his cheeks looked in pink. Mark was the one to break any awkward tension.

"Nice to meet you man, I'm Mark." He extended his hand, Jeno taking it with a tentative heart. He smiled when he realized he wasn't going to be made fun of. Jaemin almost wanted to combust, it was so beautiful. Haechan moved in then, clasping his hands on Mark's shoulder from behind.

"And I'm his boyfriend, Haechan." Mark elbowed the poor boy behind him, Haechan crying out with a pout. "Why'd you do that?"

"Don't tell the boy lies." Haechan rolled his eyes.

"Just admit you like me and then we can be together." Mark scowled at him, slapping his shoulder.

"There's nothing to admit other than how much of a nuisance you are in my life." Haechan smiled sweetly, poking Mark's cheek.

"I only do it because I care." Mark looked about ready to go off, but Jaemin interfered, stepping between them.

"That's enough of lover's court." Mark was affronted. "Let's pretend you guys aren't dating and move on. We do have a guest you know." His eyes went to Jeno who had been watching the whole thing with a goofy smile on his face. Jaemin smiled at him. "Now you've met my friends, hope they aren't to annoying for you. I know they are for me. "

"Hey!" The pair had said it in sync and it left them to both glare at each other before they started arguing again about jinx. Jaemin sighed, moving out of the way and letting them get it out of their system. He leaned against the kitchen counter, Jeno coming up right beside him.

"They're pretty cute together." Jaemin snorted, leaning in closer to Jeno to whisper.

"Trust me, for as much as Mark complains about them not being together, you'd think he'd have really told the boy off." Jaemin got a little softer then, heart constricting at the thought. "But I think he really does love Haechan. He just doesn't know it yet." He met Jeno's eyes then, breath catching when he realized how close they were. Jeno seemed to be examining his expression, squinting suddenly. He moved a little closer, Jaemin really fighting for oxygen now as he came closer. He got to take a deep breathe when Haechan suddenly yelped, the boys all turning to Haechan.

"NANA! Mark is hitting me again!" He whined like a child, hiding behind Jaemin as defense.

"That's enough for today, how about we do something fun now?" Jaemin suggested, pulling Haechan with him to the living room. "Mario Kart sounds fun right." He ignored Jeno as he took a spot on the couch, pulling Haechan right beside him. Haechan could sense his unease, but didn't ask taking the controller that was handed to him. Jeno sat on the farthest end, Mark sitting next to Haechan. Jaemin felt himself breathing normally again.

They played a couple rounds before Mark claimed he had tons of homework to do. He gathered his stuff, Haechan hot on his tail and claiming he would walk the boy home.

"I don't need you to walk me home." Mark complained as he walked out the door.

"You do, I gotta make sure you make it okay." They turned and waved before shutting the door, their banter still heard until they were out of the driveway. Jaemin glanced at the clock realizing it was getting rather late and his mother hadn't arrived.

"I wonder where my mom is?" He said aloud, thinking it was actually rather strange she hadn't even called or something. Jeno snapped his fingers, making Jaemin look over at him.

"I totally forgot, she told me to tell you that she would arrive really late today. We're supposed to order ourselves something. She left money in the drawer, she said you would know which one." How odd that she not let him know beforehand. Maybe she left when Jeno had arrived? Whatever the case, he went and pulled the cash out, just like Jeno had said- there was money in the drawer, enough for two. Now it begged the question of what to eat.

"What are you in the mood for?" Jeno didn't even hestitate.

"Pizza!" How could Jaemin forget? That boy was always, always in the mood for pizza. It was his favorite food, still must be if the excitement in his eyes is anything to go by. He picks up the phone and dials the local pizza shop.

"Can I get one pepperoni pizza and one bacon and jalapeno pizza?" The man repeated his order back to him and told him the total before hanging up. Jeno looked at him a little starstruck, lip caught between his teeth.

"You remember my favorite pizza?" Well, yeah. Of course Jaemin would remember because they were best friends. Because he knew everything about him. Or at least he did. Jaemin knows that some things have changed. But he likes to think Jeno is still the same. The same boy with doe eyed wonder who followed Jaemin like a lost puppy and gave him his biggest smiles and who just loved Jaemin. Because Jaemin is really starting to think he may be in love.

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