with him

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The rest of the month is spent in a blur of cuddles and kisses and laughing and reminiscing and Jaemin feels deja vu as he and Jeno lay hand in hand on his bed on the last night of his stay.

"Why does it feel like I'm never going to see you again?" Jeno murmured, moving so he can rest his head on Jaemin's chest. Jaemin ran his hand through Jeno's hair feeling the same way.

"You're staying in Incheon right?" Jaemin asked. Jeno hummed and Jaemin felt relief wash over him. "I bet I'll see you tomorrow then." A part of him still felt wrong, as if tomorrow would come and Jeno would be gone all over again. He settled with kissing the boy, trying his hardest not to think of what tomorrow could bring. He focused on the now, on the soft boy under him and how much he loved him and how much he would keep leaving him even if he wasn't living with him anymore...

The next morning felt weird. It was a Saturday afternoon, Jeno having left that morning. Jaemin had made a point to hug Jeno, feeling like it was their last goodbye, all those years ago hitting him like a semi truck. He felt like laying in bed all day, maybe then his heart would hurt less.

Some hours later there was a knock at the door, Jaemin having to open the door since his mother wasn't home. When he saw the sight in front of him, he beamed, pulling in the boy with such force that he tripped over his feet. The crash on the floor with a thud, Jaemin laughing at the absurdity.

"You're back!" Jaemin shouted, such a happy tone to his voice. Jeno smiled, popping a quick kiss before giggling.

"And I'm sleeping over." And it was like they were little kids again, so lost in their own world before their time, sharing secret smiles before they even knew what they meant. It made Jaemin incredibly happy. His best friend was back again and now he had the honor of calling him his boyfriend. 

and again i find you - nominDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora