Chapter 1

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Run. That was the only thought floating in her mind. And that's exactly what she did. She ran. Ran further into the woods, away from the ferocious wolves chasing after her, craving her flesh for their dinner. Away from all danger. Away from all possibilities of death. She didn't care about the biting cold wind penetrating her skin. She didn't care about the breath quickly vanishing from her lungs. She didn't care about the ache in her legs, making it feel like they could detach from her body at any second. All she cared about was escaping her looming death.

After what seemed like forever, she could no longer hear the deep, threatening growls of the wolves. Quickly glancing behind her, she let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that the wolves had dissapeared into the darkness. She slumped against a nearby tree to catch her breath for a few minutes, reflecting on the new thoughts racing in her mind.

The air was peaceful again with small, fragile leaves dancing in the wind and the trees gracefully swaying from side to side. It was quiet in the forest now that the wolves had finally gone and all threat had passed. She took in some deep breaths to steady her breathing and to calm herself down after the rush of adrenaline she had just experienced. Letting her guard down, however, was a terrible mistake

"Hello there little girl" a silky smooth yet almost eerie voice spoke to her, immediately putting her on edge. She immediately stood to her feet so she was face to face with the voice's owner. He was a tall and mysterious man who wore a pitch black cape lined with yellow and a black bowler hat which neatly rested upon his head. But the strangest thing about him was the left side of his face, which resembled that of a snake's.

"Okay first of all, I am not a little girl" she retorted, glaring at the unusual man before her, if you could even call him that, "and second of all, who the hell are you?"

"My name's Deceit. And I already know what your name is Y/N" he smirked as she looked him up and down skeptically.

"How the hell do you know my name?" She asked, slowly backing away from him.

"Oh I know many things about you Y/N" He moved closer towards her, placing a cold, gloved hand on cheek and caressing it as he whispered into her ear "For example, I know that you've lost your way, both figuratively and literally and I can help you. Just come with me"

She immediately pulled away from him in disgust. "I'm fine thanks. I'm not as helpless as you may think. I can handle things on my own you know. So good day"

However, as she started to confidently stroll away, he sharply grabbed her wrist.

"That wasn't a choice" He hissed before snapping his fingers and making the two of them dissapear.

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