Chapter 3

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Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she glanced around the unfamiliar room she was in. Her head was pounding  and aching as if a million pins were piercing it. All her memories of that day had fled from her mind as she had forgotten everything, especially her memories of the unfamiliar figure who had his arms wrapped around her. She let out a small, involuntary squeal at the sight of it, causing him to let out a small chuckle.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" He kissed her cheek lovingly.

She subtly shuffled away from him, looking him up and down in confusion and slight fear. "Who are you?" She gulped. "And where the heck am I?"

"Oh how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Deceit. I was walking in the woods earlier and saw you lying on the ground unconscious so I decided to take you back to my house to keep you safe and away from any danger" He lied so effortlessly, lying being one of his few talents.

She raised a suspicious eyebrow, struggling to believe his story. "Well thank you, but wouldn't it have been easier to call an ambulance?"

"There's no service in the woods silly" He chuckled lightly. She nodded, starting to actually buy his story. "Anyway, can I get you a lass of water or something?"

"Um yes please. My name's Y/N by the way" She gave him a slight smile.

"Oh I know" He smirked before strutting out of the room.

"He's an odd character" She muttered to herself, pulling herself to a sitting position. "He is rather handsome though" She smiled a little, missing him already. She wasn't known for having crushes or easily warming up to people but there was something different about Deceit, although she couldn't quite put her finger on what. Being alone most of her life, she'd learnt to fend for herself and trust nobody since everybody she'd met was out to get her. All the other humans she'd ever encountered were cruel, cold hearted malicious people wanting to attack her and make her suffer yet Deceit wasn't. He seemed a lot sweeter and more charming, not to mention handsome. Perhaps he wasn't actually human though. Maybe that's why he was so different. Nonetheless, despite only just meeting him, she had already started to warm up to him and trust him. Thoughts of him filled her mind and the ache in her head was replaced with wonderful thought of this new, mysterious character.

Soon, Deceit returned with a glass of water and handed it to Y/N with a friendly smile. She gave him a grateful smile in return as she took the glass from him and took a small sip from it. "There you go darling. Can I get you anything else?"

"No I think that's it thank you" She smiled softy

Deceit nodded as he sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her. She couldn't help but lean into his warm touch. "How are you feeling now gorgeous?"

"A lot better now that I'm with you. Thank you for saving me by the way"

"Of course. Anything for you dearie" he winked and kissed her hand, causing her to blush lightly and giggle quietly.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked curiously. "It's just, no one's shown me any kindness before"

"Well I couldn't leave someone as beautiful as you to die could I?" This caused her blushing to intensify.

"You think I'm beautiful?" She shyly his her face behind her hair. 

Deceit chuckled and gently brushed her hair away. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever set my eyes on. You're like an angel"

"Well if I'm an angel then you're a handsome devil" she giggled. "The most handsome devil in all hell to be precise"

"Well I'm flattered that you see me in that way, really I am" he grinned happily. "Would you maybe like to stay here for a while?"

"Will you be staying here too?" She asked, hope glistening in her eyes.

"Of course beautiful. I do sorta live here though so I kinda have to. Not that I wouldn't stay with you anyway" 

"Wow you're funny and handsome. I'd love to stay here with you" She rest her head on his shoulder and he smirked slightly to himself, glad that his plan was actually working.

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