Chapter 6

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TW: Censored swear words, mentions of s*x, mentions/ implied inc*st (there's no RemRom  or actual inc*est don't worry . Just needed to add a warning incase it triggers anyone)

She sat there in silence, waiting for the inevitable to happen; waiting for Deceit to return and start yelling at her.

When you're waiting for something or someone, seconds soon turn into minutes and minutes soon turn into hours and hours soon turn into days. She tried to be as patient as she could but was overwhelmed by her own anxiety and nerves.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door slowly creaked open. By now, she'd moved onto the bed, lying down and staring aimlessly at the ceiling. Hearing the slow creak of the door, she quickly jumped and sat up straight, putting on an innocent yet nervous smile. "Um hey De. You were a while"

"What were you doing out there?" He asked, his voice surprisingly calm.

Quickly, she replied with a short and simple "nothing". She immediately knew that was a mistake as that was the most obvious lie. 

"You know, I have this sort of superpower" He moved to sit next to her. "I can tell when people are lying and that, my darling, was most certainly a lie. Now, just tell me what you were really doing and I won't get mad. I promise" He had a sweet smile plastered on his face; a smile that seemed too sweet to be real.

"Just wanted to explore that's all" She shrugged, to which he replied with a raised eyebrow.

"There's more isn't there? I can tell. You can't lie to me. Anyone will tell you, I'm the master of lies"

"Fine" She sighed. " I was curious okay? This weird guy came in here and he looked like you but he had a moustache. I just wanted to see what was going on"

Deceit's face immediately turned bright red with anger and his smile fell. "What did he say to you?"

She gulped a little. "Just to stay away from you cause you were f**k buddies or something"

"Oh I swear I'm going to kill that guy!" He growled and stood to his feet. She gently grabbed his hand. 

"Wait De. Please  explain to me what's going on. Who was that guy? And why does he look like you?"

"Oh his name is Remus. He's my twin brother" He lied expertly. He couldn't tell her the real truth. Not just yet anyway. She'd freak out too much.

"Then how do you explain the other guys who also looked like you?" She raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Well we're all identical sextuplets. And we live together. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah I guess" she shrugged, pulling him to sit as she tried to wrap her head around all of this. "Wait a second. If that Remus guy is your brother, why did he say you were f**k buddied. That's disgusting" she grimaced

"That's Remus for you" He sighed. "He's pretty disgusting. He jokes about that all the time. But we're not! I swear!" Another lie.

She nodded and glanced off into the distance. It did all seem to add up. Yet there was something that just didn't seem right. Then she remembered something. Quickly, her eyes fell back to his and she crossed her arms firmly. "You said you were the master of lies. How can I trust a word you say?"

"You're a smart one aren't you?" He sighed. She nodded with a proud grin. "Well I suppose you can't really trust me but perhaps this will help." Slowly, he slid off the glove which was clinging to his left hand and held it up. "Listen, I'm going to tell you something that no one else knows. Not even the other si-sextuplets" He quickly corrected himself. "My real name. They all call me Deceit because, well I'm ashamed of my real name"

"Which is?"

"My name is Janus"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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