Chapter 5

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Michael's POV

You know its been 3 weeks since I've been working for Luke and it has been a rough 3 weeks (if you know what I'm saying) But even though were like f*ck buddies, I've started to grow some kind of feelings for him. Look I know I'm just doing the job he asks, but he's more than that. He's nice, sweet, considering. I have never ever experienced that in my life, I think I like him...a lot.

As I woke up from my sleep, I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like freaking wreck. Thank god Luke doesn't see me like this...

I went outside to see Calum and Ashton eating breakfast. I said sitting next to Ashton

"Mornin" I mumbled.

"So Calum talked about your boss Luke" Ashton said which me widen my eyes a bit

"Really?" I said surprised.

"Yea, he wouldn't keep quiet about it" Ashton said hurtness in his voice.

'Awww, Ashy, You know I only love you right?" Calum said standing up and sitting on Ashton's lap before they started a makeout session.

"Guys seriously. Again?" I said a bit annoyed then they broke apart but Calum remained sitting on his lap.

"Sorry" Ashton mumbled

"So, how are you and you're boss boyfriend?" Calum said smirking.

"He's not my boyfriend...yet" I said blushing when I said the word boyfriend.

"Well don't worry Mikey, you will have him" Ashton said smiling,

"Yeah I bet on it" Calum said laughing

Calum dropped me of to work, considering he's on the way to work as well. I waved goodbye and he drove off.

As I was walking through the building and up the office. I keep thinking about, Luke. What happens if we are together? Will it be the same? I mean it's not just about the sex obviously, its about love too and I feel a lot of it from him.

As the elevator dinged I saw him, sitting in his chair with an employee who has a olive tone skin and really well structured jawline. He seemed to look Arabian or Pakistani.

I was looking at Luke's facial expression and he looks like he's blushing,  Was he flirting? Fuck...He's mine only. He also knows I'm his...

As I walked to the door and knocked, he gestured for me to come in.

"Ahh Mr. Clifford, I would like you to meet a new employee Zayn Malik" He said smiling,

"Hi, nice to meet you" He said in his british accent

"You too" I said fake smiling

"He's gonna be working on the floor below us, I just finished giving him a tour around the office" He said, TOUR? I never got that, all I ever got was sex.

"Ohh that's great" I said..

"Well, I have to go. See you later Mr. Hemmings, can't wait to start work tomorrow" Zayn said smiling warmly at him.

"Oh please, call me Luke" He said laughing. Woah...Calling someone by his real name means...HELL NO!

As he left I was alone with him, I wanted to him that I like him more than just a fuck buddy. But I feel mad. I can't contain my anger.

"Michael you're still here" Luke said confused.

"I was about to say something...but I forgot it" I said giving a slight frown, As I held the glass door handle Luke said something

"Wait, I would like to ask you for dinner later after work" He said blushing, I was upset about the new employee, he might take Luke away from me, Maybe tonight's the perfect time to say it.

"Yeah..sure" I said mumbling, he knew I was not okay.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah...I'll be at my desk if you need anything" I said as I left not even looking him in the eye.

I know what you guys are thinking, Why are you acting like shit? Well I'm sad that this new employee might have him. When I saw him talking to Zayn he was happy and he feels good vibes from the guy. To me Luke thinks I'm just a fuck, but I wanna be more than that. And tonight will be the chance that happens.


I never bothered looking or talking to Luke today, he told me to do some work but I never talked back, I could tell he was even more worried cause he keeps on checking on me. As I was finalising the work and cleaning up my desk to leave, I felt Luke's hand on my shoulder.

"You ready to go?" He said and I nodded giving a fake smile, but before we were walking to the elevator, He pulled me in to give me a quick kiss. "I missed you" He said smiling.

"We worked, in the same floor" I said slightly laughing.

"Still..." He whispered before he started giving the marks of approval and ownership.

"Ngh..." I moaned. But then he stopped all of a sudden "..Why did you stop?" I asked confused.

"Why are you acting so silent today?" He asked worried and concerned

"Its...Its that new employee, Zayn. You seem so flirty him and I just..." I didn't continue cause I don't know what I'm saying....

"Don't be jealous Mikey..." He whispered nibbling my ear lobe. Which I enjoyed. "...I'll always be yours"

"Luke...what are we?" I asked.

"I don't know actually" He said sighing.

"I wanna be more than fuck buddies" I finally said "...I wanna be in a relationship with you" I breathe out.

"Eversince I met you I've felt the same way, I love you more than just a f*ck..." He smiled, kissing me softly but within seconds it  started to get heated, and our tongues were clashing in a fight for dominance of course Luke won.

"I love you.." Luke said in the kiss breathing heavily

"I love you too..." I said breathing heavily as well...

And well you know what happens next ;))


FINALLY UPDATED. Hi guys. So I updated YAY

The story will still be smut and will still be intresting, I lost focus.

Make sure to comment cause I love them a lot and vote cause it makes me happeh

Make sure to fan to see more updates of this story, cause trust me, this story will get longer. I PROMISE

So yeah see you in the next update....BAII

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