Chapter 9

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"Just so you know, Ben, I absolutely, positively REFUSE to watch the NFL."


"Bunch of overpaid babies if you ask me."

"Didn't ask..."

"I don't know WHY you had to choose football!"

"Because 'Something new, that we normally don't do together, once a month'. It's MY turn to choose."

"I won't watch NFL."

"Nobody's asking you to. This is college ball."

"As long as we're clear."

"As a bell..."

"And you'll explain it?"


"Let me just finish the sweet and sour wings."

"I don't know why you had to fix all this food!"

"We HAVE to have Georgia Caviar since we're playing Georgia Tech!"

"That's a lot of Georgia Caviar."

"You LIKE Georgia Caviar!"

"It's just a lot."

"We have to have tortilla chips to go with it."

"The orange-frosted sugar cookies..."

"...are for Tennessee!"

"So why sweet and sour wings?"


"But Lou, you made a whole veggie tray and it's just us!"

"Well, the celery looked lonely."

"So why do we have to have celery?"

"Don't be ridiculous! You have to have celery with wings!"

"And it was lonely?"

"I thought carrot sticks would look good on the platter."

"But Lou, it's a little..."

"Orange for Tennessee. It would be unpatriotic to leave off the carrots."


"Besides, carrot sticks are good with that Ranch dip..."

"But why did you..."

"There were too many straight lines. So, I added the cauliflower."

"But that doesn't explain..."

"I HAD to add cherry tomatoes for color and it made me remember my special tray but that has 5 compartments so I added the snow peas."

"But the sub sandwich..."

"We'll get sick if we just eat all that dip and raw veggies and wings and tortilla chips."

"But you have potato chips..."

"Can't have a sandwich without potato chips!"

"So, the pickles..."

"Don't be ridiculous Ben! Pickles are self-explanatory."

"I appreciate it Lou, but you don't have to..."

"Oh, I don't mind! 'Anything worth doing is worth doing well.'"

"True, but..."

"Aunt Docy taught me that."

"Your Aunt Docy was a good woman."

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