Chapter 10

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"It ain't right Lou! It just ain't right!"

"It's MY turn, Ben!"

"You're just gonna have to choose something different."

"But YOU PROMISED! 'One new activity, each month...'"

"NOT this."

"I'm insisting!"

"And I'M refusing!"

"You can't!"

"Watch me!"

"You're not playing fair!"

"I agree. I'm unfair and a heel and a welsher but there is a line I REFUSE to cross!"

"But I went camping..."

"I'm not sure what we did classifies as..."

"I TRIED. You're not even willing to try!"

"That's right!"

"Ben, I DEMAND..."

"NO! And THAT is FINAL!"

"But BEN..."

"Lou, I went for a pedicure..."

"But you didn't..."

"I read Little Women..."

"But that was..."

"I did the dog training too. I didn't WANT to do all that, but I did."

"I know and I..."





"No more arguing about it."


"Don't you want to argue?" He was puzzled. I usually wanted to argue.

"No. Give me a $20 bill."

"Why do you want $20?"

"I only have $16."

"Why do you ..."

"I reserved two spots in the class," I explained.

"I thought you pre-paid."

"I did. Katie Lee will take your place."

"Here. Why do you need..."

"I owe Katie Lee $20. I lost the bet."

"What bet?"

"She said you would be too chicken to go to yoga with me."

"She said WHAT?"

"I bet you would go and she said you wouldn't so we bet $20. I lost."

"I'm NOT chicken!"

"She said you couldn't do a Vriksasana if you were held at gunpoint."

"Now hold on there..."

"Of course, SHE was able to go straight into Downward Dog on her first try."

"I could do it if I wanted..."

"She pointed out that she was much more athletic than you."

"She said what?"

"Katie Lee said she was much more athletic than you."

"I'll have you know..."

"I thought it was hard when I first tried. I don't blame you for being intimidated."

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