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Sasha's POV

"Do you start your second year tomorrow, Sasha?" "Yeah, I don't want to though." "Well, Sasha you always have been quite rebellious. You need to go though. You were almost kicked out of school for missing almost everyday." "Hey! That's not why I moved from Boston though, Renee." "Yeah, I know. I have to go now Sasha, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good Luck!" "Bye, Renee."I end the call. Then, I walk back into the house after walking around and talking to Renee. "Hey, I'm home!" I yell out into the house. My mom yells back "In the kitchen, Sasha!" I walk into the kitchen and see my mother making lasagna. "Is dad not back from work?" I ask. "No, he is. He's in the living room watching TV." "Okay. Thanks mom." "No problem." I walk into the living room and sure enough my father is watching TV. "Hey dad, What are you watching?" "A crime show. Wanna watch with me?" "Sure." I sit down next to my father and watch TV with him."

Bayley's POV

I sit on my bed looking out the window as the sun sets. I look down at what I'm drawing.

 "I don't like it the horizon looks slanted

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"I don't like it the horizon looks slanted." I rip out the paper and throw it at a pile by the garbage can with the rest of the papers that are crumbled up. I begin to start over again when my phone rings. I look at my phone. It's a text from my fiery orange haired friend, Becky.

Becky🔥: Hey, I have a question.

Bayley: What's up?

Becky🔥: Did you hear about the new kid that will be in school tomorrow?

Bayley: No? Who is it?

Becky🔥: I don't know her name. I know that she is kinda rebellious though."

Bayley: Why did I need to know this?

Becky🔥: I wanted to make sure your careful tomorrow. You already have to deal with Ruby, Sarah, and Liv.

Bayley: Becks, I'm not going to just assume she's bad because of her history. If I did that then you and I wouldn't be friends.

Becky🔥: Hey! We don't talk about those days...

Bayley: I know I'm just saying. I'll be fine tomorrow.

Becky🔥: You say that every day, yet I still need to help you...😂

Bayley: 😒 Talk to you later, Becks.😊

I hear my mother walking up the stairs and I tense up and sit still. Her footsteps stop in front of my door. "Bayley! Open the door!" I get up and open the door. My mom is standing there with an empty beer bottle. She grabs my arm tightly and whips me out of my room and into the hallway wall. I hit the wall hard and fall to the floor. She scoffs "weakling. You can't even take a throw to a wall. "Mom, please calm down." I beg her. She picks me up. "Don't talk back to me, child." *SLAP* She slaps me across the face with a lot a force and pushes me to the top of the stairs. "Child! Go downstairs and grab me another beer. I'll be in the living room." I turn to go down the stairs but she pushes me down instead. I hit the bottom of the stairs and let out a soft whimper of pain. My mom walks past me and into the living room. I slowly get up and walk tenderly on my left leg. I grab a beer from the kitchen and bring it to my mom in the living room. I hand her the beer and bottle and say "Here you g--" She cuts me off by breaking the empty beer bottle on my forehead. "Do it faster next time. Get out of my face." I touch the spot where she broke the bottle on my head and it's bleeding. I carefully pick up the shattered bottle pieces and bring them into the kitchen. I crawl upstairs and into my bedroom. I look in my drawers and grab some bandages and things. I walk into the bathroom in my room. Then walk to the mirror. "Damn, that's a lot of blood."

*After Bayley showers and bandages the cut on her forehead*

I look at the clock and read 11:23. I lay on my bed and drift to sleep soon after.

Sasha's POV

I get up form the couch. "Alright, dad. I'm gonna shower and go to sleep." "Okay kiddo. Don't forget to set your alarm for 7:30." I walk up the stairs and take a shower. I put on clothing and sit down on my bed. "Alright, set my alarm." I lay down and soon drift off to sleep.

I'm sorry if this chapter was boring. I was just introducing a some of the characters and how Bayley and Sasha live. ~Elizabeth (Liz)

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