Chapter 8

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*Present Day*

Sasha's POV

"Sasha? Helloooooo?" Someone says as they wave their hand in front of my face breaking me out of my flashback. I adjust my eyes to reality and see that it was Finn. "Oh. Hey Finn. Sorry." "Are you okay? What were you thinking about?" "When I met Bayley and when Bayley and I finally got together. Do you remember when I proposed to her a year ago?" He sits next to me on the equipment box and pulls me into a side hug. "Of course I do. " "It was last month Finn. It's been hard. I mostly just stay home when I'm off and I go through all the photos of us together. When we made it to the WWE together. We lived it together. Now I have to live it alone." "Sash, You know she would want you to live your dream as well as hers. Have you seen the last page of her journal?" "I haven't made it that far. Every time I start reading I can't do it. I wish she was here to hold me like she usually does when I'm sad." "I understand it's hard Sasha but you should read that last page before you go out there." I nod at him and he stands and leaves. I decide to open the journal to the last page and read it.

Hey Sasha, I assume if you're reading this then I'm gone. I'm sorry I can't be there with you physically anymore. Sash I know you're probably crying right now but, think of all of the good things or past memories. You're living our dream, you have Becky, Charlotte, Finn, Dean, Seth, Roman. You people there to support you. Remember when we first met. That was the best day of my life and I know you think I was unhappy most of my life but, the day I met you. It was as if I could never be unhappy again. I died happy Sasha. And I wouldn't change a single thing if I could. I'm so proud of you Sasha. Keep going okay? Be happy. I love you so much. -Bayley

I stand up and put Bayley's journal in my bag and wipe the tears off my face. "I miss you so much." I whisper as if she was right there. I walk to the gorilla. My music hits and I walk out to the ring with a solemn expression on my face. JoJo hands me a mic and I start. "One month ago, I lost my best friend, my soulmate, the love of my life...Bayley." I pause and try to calm down before I continue. "She died in a car crash after we fought over something I can't even remember. I miss her so much and I wish that I at least got to say goodbye but, that isn't possible. She was special. No one can be like her EVER. That's why I chose her. I'll miss always being on the road with her, I miss her voice, her laugh, her beautiful brown eyes that I could get lost in every time I saw her. I will never love anyone as much as I loved her." I pause. I now have multiple tears running down my face. "Bayley if you can hear me, I love you so much. and I'm sorry for whatever I said that day." I look up finally and see the crowd in the front with tears in their eyes as well. "Tomorrow would be Bayley's 30th birthday. Tomorrow we'll be in San Jose. Her hometown." Becky walks down to the ring with Charlotte walking close behind her. Both with tears in their eyes as well. Becky pulls me into a hug as well as Charlotte. I whisper to them "It's weird without Bayley doing this with us." They nod. I pull away and see Bayley. "It's okay. I forgive you. I love you too Sasha. Stay strong. It'll always be me and you." She smiles and holds up the fours. I put the fours up and Becky and Charlotte do the same. Bayley then disappears. "Goodbye, Bayley." I whisper so only I can hear. The three of us walk backstage with the WWE Universe chanting "Heyyyyy hey Bayley ooh ahh will you be my girl." I smile and in that moment everything feels like it will be alright.

Anddd that's a wrap! I appreciate all the love on this book and 200 reads?! Thank you all. I hope you enjoyed this book! I'll write another book soon enough (Another Baysha of course) I love you all and I hope you have a good day! ~Liz

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