Chapter 6

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Sasha's POV

"BAYLEY!" I yell as I try to shake her awake after she fell. "Hey Sash you need to give her a minute." Renee says as she puts her hand on my shoulder. I bring my hands up to my face as I continue crying. Renee kneels down beside me and says "It'll be okay Sasha. We need to get her somewhere other than her house." I look up tears still in my eyes. "I know. We can put her in my house." "Will your parents be okay with it?" "They're out of town until next week." We pick Bayley up gently and bring her into my house and place her on the couch. "I should call Becky and the others." "Who are they?" "I'll tell you in second." I pull out my phone and call Becky. She picks up after 3 rings. "Hey, Sasha. What's up?" "Where are you?" "The party with Charlotte. Are you okay? You sound like you're crying." "Go outside with the group, please." "Okay Sasha? Are you okay?" I stay silent. I hear her talking on the other line and then shuffling. "Okay we're all here. You're on speaker." "Okay. Becky. No, I'm not okay. I let you down. I did watch Bayley like you asked me but, she fell. Renee is making sure she's breathing and everything-" "She'll be okay. The cushion definitely saved her!" "Becky you have got to get here please." "We're coming Sasha!" She quickly hangs up the phone. I walk back over to Renee. "Becky is Bayley's best friend. Charlotte is another friend and her and Becky like each other. There's Seth, Roman, and you already know him Dean. I believe there is Finn as well. I don't know a lot about him." "Sasha. Do you want a moment with Bayley? You haven't taken your eyes off of her since we got back here." "Yeah." "I'll be in the kitchen." She leaves to the kitchen and I sit next to Bayley. "Bayls. I hope you're okay. I'm sorry I couldn't help sooner. I was thinking about it and maybe Renee is right. Seeing you dangling from a window and then falling. My heart stopped. It made me realize... Bayley, I can't imagine a life without you. I can't believe it took you almost dying to realize it but, Bayley Martinez I am in love with you." I start crying again and I reach over and grab Bayley's hand. It still is warm. She's alive. That's all I want. Renee comes back in. "You okay, Sasha?" "Hopefully I will be." I let go of Bayley's hand and stand up. I look at Renee. "You were right." "About what?" "Me loving Bayley. I love her so much. I can't imagine living without her." Renee smiles and pulls me into a hug. "What is Bayley Martinez doing to me?" "Great things, Sasha. Great things." I pull away. "You should go get some sleep, Sasha." Renee says sympathetically. "Okay." I walk up stairs and grab the drawing Bayley made and hold it close as I drift off to sleep.

Becky's POV

Charlotte, Dean, Seth, Roman, Finn, Dolph, and I ran down the street to Sasha's house. We get there and I knock on the door frantically. Renee opens the door and immediately steps aside. I run over to Bayley laying on the couch and, look back at Renee. "What happened?" "Who knows about Bayley's... situation. I step forward with Char. The others look confused. "All of you except Becky and Charlotte all you guys need to know is Bayley fell and Sasha and I were able to get a cushion underneath her in time of her fall." They nod and then leave to the kitchen. I turn to Renee. "What really happened?" "Sasha called me as I walking home and said Bayley needs help. I started running back to her house. When I got there Sasha was trying to get this large cushion out through her front door. I helped her push it through and we set it under Bayley. She did not realize we were there at all. Bayley's mother was yelling at her and calling her very inappropriate words, things worse than what you're thinking guys. Her mother then started punching her hands to make her fall. Then she fell and Sasha was screaming." I have tears running down my face. Charlotte does as well. Charlotte buries her face in my shoulder. I look at Renee. "Is that all that was said?" "Bayley's mom said something along the lines of she wishes that Bayley died instead of her sister." I look away. "Fuck her mom. Bayley can't go back. I won't allow that. Sasha wouldn't either." I look at Charlotte. "Hey Char. Maybe you should go to the kitchen with others." "Good idea. I don't want to see Bayley like this." I kiss Charlotte and then she leaves to the kitchen. Renee then turns back to me. "I agree with you Becky. I have never met Bayley but, the way Sasha described her she seems like the perfect person." "Where is Sash."
"Sleeping. And yelling every now and then about Bayley." "Damn. Does she love Bayley?" "She realized today. You should talk to her about it." "Okay thanks." "No problem." I walk upstairs to Sasha's bedroom and knock. "Hey Sash. It's Becky. Can I come in?" "Sure" Sasha responds sounding broken. I walk in and sit next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry Becky. I let you down." "No need to apologize. You did great. You saved Bayley's life." She smiles slightly. "Sasha. Do you love Bayley?" She avoids eye contact with me. "Sash." "...yes" "Why didn't you say anything to Bayls?" "I realized I loved her as I saw her dangling from the window and falling. I should have realized sooner." "You should tell Bayley tomorrow, just not as soon as she wakes up." "I will. Thanks Becky." "No problem lass."

This will be a short book. But I will be starting a new book soon. I believe I fixed the problem with chapter 5? I hope I did, thank you. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :) ~Liz

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