Chapter 2

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Bayley's POV

The rest of the morning I slowly make it to my classes but, I'm not late. I make my way to the lunch room and then fall forward hitting my forehead on the ground. I look up and see Ruby look back and smirk. I reach up and touch my forehead. The cut is bleeding again. "Damn it." I whisper and try to stand up. I hear someone walking towards me and I brace for another hit...but it doesn't come. I open my eyes and see Sasha. "Hey, what happened?" She grabs my sides carefully and helps me stand. "I tripped..." "Mmhmm you tripped and cut your head?" "...yes" "It was Ruby wasn't it?" "Yeah. I'll be fine." I put on a bright smile and grab Sasha's hand pulling her to where Becky, Charlotte, and Seth sit. "Hey guys!" They all look up.

Becky's POV

I look up from my conversation with Charlotte, and Seth to see Bayley with a cut on her forehead walking over here and trailing behind her a purple haired girl. I immediately stand. "Bayley, what happened to your head?" "I'll be fine, I was about to go fix it. I wanted to bring Sasha over here first though." "Is this the new girl?" "Yeah, she's pretty cool...and pretty." "What was that Bayley?" "Nothing. I just said she's cool." "Yeah. Okay." I chuckle. Bayley turns to Sasha. "I'll be right back, Sash." I turn to Sasha and start inspecting her.

Sasha's POV

As soon as Bayley leaves, the orange haired girl looks at me intensely. The blonde girl sitting down says "Becks! Stop inspecting her!" "Oh, that's what she's doing? I thought she was trying to kill me." The guy with long black hair starts laughing and so does the blonde. The Irish girl in front me stops looking intensely at me and holds out her hand. "Okay. You seem fine. I'm Becky." I shake her hand. "Wait I seem fine for what?" "You seem fine to be a part of our friend group. You already like Bayley, so that's a plus." The blonde introduces her self. "I'm Charlotte and this guy is Seth. Our other friends are busy doing something that I don't remember." I sit down and talk with them until Bayley gets back. Bayley sits down next to me. My phone goes off and I see it's a call from Dolph back in Boston and a text from Renee in Boston.

Bayley's POV

Sasha stands up and says "Sorry guys I need to take this." When Sasha leaves. Becky turns to Charlotte and Seth. "Can you guys go and grab a water?" "Why does it take two people to get a water?" Seth questions. "Just do it, please." Becky says with puppy dog eyes. They answer fine. Becky then turns to me. "So, Bayley, what's your opinion on Sasha?" Becky questions me with a smirk. "Why are you smirking?" "Why are you avoiding the question?" "I think she's pretty cool." "Yeah okay. Drop the cool and then your correct, lass." "Becky! Come on. I don't think that." "Then why did you say it?" "What?... I never said that..." "Bayley. I heard you say it and then not admit you said it." "...Fine." "So, you do like her?!" Becky yells. "Not so loud! And I guess... yeah." "Hmm and who was joking that I was going to flirt with her?" Becky smirks. "Well, then I'm sorry. You and Charlotte are perfect for each other not you and anybody else." Becky blushes. "You don't know that she feels the same." "Really? You don't see how she looks at you." "she looks at me like any normal human." "Wrong. She looks at you with love." Becky looks over my shoulder. I turn around and see Charlotte, Seth, and Sasha walking back over. Sasha sits down next to me. "Sorry. I had answer a call." Sasha says. "That's fine. If you don't mind me asking, Who was it?" I say curiously. "Well I got a text from my friend Renee and she'll be moving here next week!" Sasha says happily. "The call I got was from my boyfriend Dolph, he's also moving to San Jose next week!" She says with a lot of excitement. My heart falls slightly "Oh. That's great Sasha." I try to say with as much enthusiasm as possible. Becky shoots a quick look at me as if saying "Meet outside." I nod. "Hey guys. I'm going to get some fresh air." Sasha looks up at me as I stand. "Are you okay? Do you want me to come with you?" "No. I'll be fine." Becky stands up. "I'll come with you, Bayley." I start walking outside with Becky next to me. She stops me at a tree and sits down. "You okay, Bayls?" "I will be eventually, probably." Becky pulls me into a hug. "Becks. She saved me from a beating from the Riott Sqaud." "Is that why you like her?" "No. She's really pretty and you know I don't usually talk in class, I was talking with her almost in every class." Becky holds me tighter. "I just immediately as soon as I looked at her, I fell in love. And I've never felt like this before. I'm scared that she won't catch me as I'm falling." "Bayl--" "I mean I guess that's why their called crushes... they just crush your heart." I turn my face into Becky's shoulder and begin crying quietly. She holds me tighter. "It will be okay Bayls. I promise."

Sasha's POV

I look out the window. Trying to find Bayley and Becky. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Seth. "Hey, Seth. What's up?" "I just came over to see what you're doing." "Looking for Becky and Bayley." "They'll be fine. I promise you. Bayley probably just wanted air." "Yeah. I guess you're right." "Anyway, I wanted to propose a plan to you." "What is this plan?" "Help me out in getting Becky and Charlotte together." "Do they even like each other?" "Have you not seen how they look at each other?!" "That's true. They are also pretty cute together. Yeah, I'll help you out." "Awesome." "What's our first plan?" "Well, Roman is having a party tonight." "Hmm, lock them in a room together!" "What?! N- wait. Actually that could work. Can you meet at the park with Roman and I after school?" "Yeah, most likely." "Okay cool see you then." The bell rings indicating the end of lunch.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊 ~Liz

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