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Junia smiled for the first time in many years she felt relieved when Tafah came to visit her Thanksgiving is almost here and she missed it. As she reminiscences about her last Thanksgiving with Mostafah , Rory, Sato and herself. They were always making a fuss who is better than who in the game twister and they would watch movies. That year Junia and Jerome had an argument about not coming to Thanksgiving at Tafah. Junia didn't want to make a big deal about it so she walked out on him and came to spend it with friends the only roots she had. Mostafah and Sato would tango while Rory would watch her pay attention to Sato and Tafah danced. Back to reality, Junia wept quietly she is in jail for something she didn't do. She had to find a way out of prison. As she reminisces of how she met Mostafah and Rory in the military. Junia knew if she left for the Military her friend Meeka would be upset for leaving her but Junia had no choice but to join the military her parents died she had no siblings or relatives so Meeka, Mostafah, and Rory were her only family. As she comes to reality her now-dead boyfriend Jermaine McQueen dogged her too many times. Junia took his crap anyway. come to think of it Jermaine McQueen was at her job around 2 pm when he was supposed to take her to lunch at 12:30 pm. When he arrived at 2 pm Junia had a meeting at that time. he argued with her and told her she'll see him at 7:30 pm. Meeka never once came to visit her or came to see her when she first got convicted. Maybe the prison environment wasn't a place her friend wanted to see. How could Junia DNA get caught in the scorched car and her gun oh my god no way Junia thought.

Back in the day Tameeka Danel and Junia Vatelli were young they use to play by the train tracks. Tameeka is always looking for trouble while Junia stayed to herself. One night Meeka went across the train tracks when she wasn't supposed too. She stole from some drug dealers and she ran off with the stash of cocaine then she ran across the train tracks and fell inside a construction area with all the stash of cocaine and the dealers left her there to die.

Meeka thought she is going to die until a rope was thrown down to her by Junia. Junia pulled Meeka up and she hugs Junia and replies we are friends for life, Junia just nods and you need to give them dealers back their stash or you'll regret it.

They'll never know Junia trust me Meeks replies.

Sure they won't Junia replies as she walks away not knowing someone is spying on them.

Mostafah Case came into Tameeka Danel life because her moms couldn't have any kids so she decides to adopt a child. Meeka would always diss her adopted sister even though they were 2 yrs apart. Junia always stood by Mostafah side. Mostafah and Junia had clicked instantly when she wanted to find her birth parents Junia went with her for support. Meeka stood there and watch Mostafah took the best thing in her life and that is Junia her friend for life.

Then one-day Meeka took Mostafah to the train tracks after Junia forbade Mostafah not to go but Meeka took her anyway. While they were crossing one of the dealers recognized Meeka he ran across the street to stop her. Meeka saw the guy coming she ran off and left Mostafah by her self not knowing what's going on.  The guy looks at Mostafah and said Is she your sister Tafah didn't answer she knew not to talk to strangers. I am going to kill you if you don't answer me

Then hours went by Meeka never came to pick her up. Tafah is praying that Junia would come to find her even though she disobeyed her orders not to cross the train tracks. Junia wasn't doing anything at home she decided to pass by Meeka to take the ladies out to Sonics. When she entered the property she saw Meeka outside. Hey, you want to go to Sonic. 

Yes Meeka replies

Okay, take your sister with you I will meet you ladies in five Junia answered

I don't think she will be coming back Meeka replies

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