Chapter 17

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Viviane and Kylian left the depressed Agent Luc and before long, two hyper, wide-eyed, breathless, teenage girls dressed alike ran up to Viviane all excited to see her. Viviane's eyes lit up upon seeing them too. Although he had never met them before, Kylian immediately thought these two girls were a bit "off".

"Hiiiiiiii, Viviane!" the two girls sang together in perfect sync. Their voices were joyous to say the least.

"Anaelle! Marielle!" Viviane greeted the girls. Viviane was all smiles.

Kylian was not sure which one was which, but he assumed that Anaelle spoke first.

"We saw you coming..." started off Anaelle.

"So we ran down as fast as we could!" finished up Marielle.

And then the two together gushed, "We're so shook you came to see us today!"

Upon closer examination, Kylian discerned that these two girls were not just cute, over-active teenagers, but they were identical in every way: same height, same eyes, same nose, same mouth, same hair color, same voice, same goofy expressions, same body shape. But that wasn't all. It got weirder: same clothes, same shoes, same hairstyle, same jewelry, same makeup, same lunch sack, same satchel, speaking in sync sometimes and finishing each other's sentences other times. Why, if these two weren't so cheery, it was downright spooky how similar they were to each other.

Although at first glance the twin girls looked exactly the same as each other, Kylian noticed that one was actually the mirror image of the other. Whereas one wore her watch on her left wrist, the other wore it on her right wrist. Whereas one styled her hair toward the left side of her head, the other styled it toward the right. Whereas one carried her satchel on her left shoulder, the other carried it on her right.

Never one for eloquent words, Kylian, master of understatement, turned to the girls and uttered these most memorable and profound words, "Oh, you're identical twins."

Kylian, who had been invisible to the twins until this moment, now demanded their attention by his utterance of the obvious. They were not impressed and instantly took a disliking to him.

"Well, of course!" said Anaelle.

"Duh!" said Marielle.

"Genius alert!" Anaelle insulted Kylian with sarcasm.

"Who hit you with an ugly stick?" asked Marielle.

Kylian again proved to himself that he should probably not speak aloud around girls. Viviane, on the other hand, ignored the whole incident. She had more important topics she wanted to talk about.

"Hi you two! I have news for you. You know how much you've been wanting to see Aveline in concert?" asked Viviane.

"Oh, Aveline!" swooned Anaelle.

"Yes! We want to go to her concert so bad!" swooned Marielle.

Viviane grinned to hear it. She knew these two girls better than most. "I heard through my modeling job that Aveline's stage crew is looking to hire a few local teenagers to work backstage as errand runners. When I heard, I immediately thought of you two. Interested?"

"Are we ever!" the two starry-eyed girls said excited at the prospect of working backstage.

"Oh my gosh, you have to get this for us, Viviane," Anaelle gushed.

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