Chapter 31 - "I wish the same for you, my Prince."

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The day was commiserating with Gigi. The sky was gray and it dulled the world around her. She stood on her balcony, looking out into the gardens, to the palace wall and out to the city. Even from where she stood far off she could hear the sounds of daily life and business. Loud voices battled against carriage wheels. Shouts of children tangled with the shouts of merchants.

It felt wrong to Gigi. She wished that the world would fall silent, that it would stop acting as if nothing had changed. Like she wasn't leaving this place and part of herself behind.

In the room, Margo was working alongside two other maids packing up Gigi's belonging. On the table her breakfast lay untouched. The air was filled with the rustling of silk and the latching of trunk locks. Gigi wondered if she should tell them that there was no use. She would take none of the fancy clothes with her once she left. She would only take what she had arrived with. That and the memories that she would now clutch close.

A shadow emerged from the room, Margo trailing after it. For a moment, she simply stood by Gigi, surveying the flawless grounds.

"Will you miss it, Lady?" she asked.

Gigi paused at the question. Her whole heart would miss Thayer. But this place? This beauty? This world? No, she knew she wouldn't. It was once something she dreamt of living in. Inside she now knew the beauty of her own world. Her old life. A part of her hated herself for the betrayal she had shown to the life that had been hers, the life she had disdained, wished herself away from.

Now as she was slowly closer to returning her heart was flooded with longing. She was going to go home. Soon she would be back in a place that she truly belonged to. Once again she would be among the people that cared because that's how they lived not because of what it might get them in return. This thought alone filled her with a quiet glow.


Gigi wondered how long she had been silent, trapped in her own musings. She looked at Margo. The sweet round brown eyes stared back.

"Yes," she said, "there will be somethings I miss."

Reaching out, she squeezed Margo's hand affectionately. The girl returned the gesture.

"Are you sure there is nothing you feel like eating, Lady? It will be a long journey."

"Thank you, friend but I am fine."

With a nod, Margo walked back into the room and completed the final steps of departure. Gigi ran a hand down her dress, the fabric soft and as smooth as water flowing through her fingers. It was a rich purple that almost looked black. Even as she fingered the material she wished for the simple homespun trousers she had arrived in. There was a worn softness in them that this dress would never acquire.

The door to her rooms opened and she saw a manservant enter and scan the maids work.

"When will Lady Genevieve be ready to leave?" he asked.

"We are finishing now," Margo said. "You may send the porters to carry the trunks down."

"Very well."

He left. Taking a long final look at the exquisite gardens, Gigi walked back into the room. Three trunks waited by the door, ready to lead the procession down. The maids hurried about searching for any drifting items. Collecting a long, black cloak from the bed, Margo walked to Gigi. She spun, allowing Margo to slip it onto her shoulders. She turned and Margo tied the ribbons into a neat bow.

"Marry Vic, Margo," Gigi said, catching the maid's elbows. "Don't wait to be happy. I know it could seem impossible but...don't let it go."

The words startled Margo and she froze, taking in the intensity in Gigi's eyes.

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