Chapter 5

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I closed the journal when I heard Jake call out a greeting to make sure someone was home.

"Just me, baby Alpha." I called to him getting off the couch as fast as I was able.

"Don't get up, Bells. Leah is right behind me. We are returning the playpen that you let us borrow. JJ doesn't use it anymore and you are going to need it for Charlie with the little one almost here." Jake said bringing the playpen into the room. Charlie was a year and a half, the playpen would hopefully slow him down a little since his new sister or brother was only a few months away from being born.

"Thanks, it will help. Its getting harder to keep up with him."

"What are you writing?" he asked motion to the journal as he sat down.

"Old Quil wants me to write my story and I can't leave anything out." I said not meeting his eyes.

"You... from when to when?"

"From the moment I found out about the pack until present." I said finally looking at him. "It's only stuff that I was there for. I already told him that he could read it first but you and Leah can read it after before I give it to the Elders."

"Thanks." he said breathing a small sigh of relief as Leah walked into the room and sat down.

"Oh, finally told him about the journal?" she said as Jake put a arm around her.

"Wait, you knew and didn't tell me."

"You know that Bells tells me everything. We have nothing to be worried about, its only a couple of people that should be scared." she said with a smirk.

"Leah..." I growled being around the pack for so long it was almost as good as one of them.

"Who?" he stupidly asked, oh I am so going to kill them later. I know how to hide the bodies and no one would suspect me.

"I am not telling who are the only ones that should be worried about anything she decides to let be known. Remember the entire pack is going to be reading this after the Elders. I would hate to be them when everything comes into the light." she said in a slightly smug tone.

"How the hell do you know what she is going to write?" he all but yelled.

"She tells me everything and we have never kept anything important from each other." she said looking at me softly.

Less than two weeks after Rachel and Rebecca arrive

Bells sat in Sam and Emily's living room with Claire, Emily's two year old niece and Quil's imprint, in my lap while she played with the silver bullet necklace Rachel had gotten her as a thank you for helping her understand that even though Paul had imprinted on her she was the one who chose how the relationship would go.

She had decided to stay on the rez for a little longer than she had planned to make sure that the imprint would be able to handle the distance when she went back home to Hawaii with her fiancee, Kai. They were going more of the friend route and Paul was happy because somehow by only being friends he was still able to keep up with his man whore ways, only now he was being a little more picky on who he brought into his bed lately. She had told Leah about what had happened and she had promised not to let anyone know about it. So far she had kept her word not even Paul knew that she knew.

Today was suppose to be a simple day. None of the pack had seen Victoria so they were having a pack meeting, to set up new patrols since Collin and Brady Littlesea had phased, a pair of twelve year old twins(A/N I am making them twins) and were almost ready to be around her and the imprints. They were going to watch a movie to relax once the meeting was over. Emily was visiting family so Ang and herself had taken over the kitchen and were just putting food on the table when Emily, her sister, her sister husband and Claire had walked in. Emily had hidden the sneer quickly when she saw that all of us were here and slowly introduced everyone to her family. She had pulled Claire out of her sister's arms when Quil stared at her and started screaming at him and calling him a pervert.

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