Chapter 8

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Two Years Later

After Sam had ordered her to get off his rez, she had returned to Charlie's for a couple weeks while she was getting things in order.

During that time and for a while after she was only able talk to Leah, Ang, and Kim. None of the pack had even tried to contact her. After sending numerous emails to Jake and Embry with no response she stopped trying. Leah had told her that Sam did order them to stay away from her and the instant he did she left the pack and had forced herself to stop phasing.

She had gone back to school and was on her way to becoming a midwife. She had ended her relationship with Jake when he refused to step up and take over as Alpha, the fact that he had no problem letting Sam cause me pain by keeping my family from me caused more than one fight. Both of them had understood why none of the boys had tied to defend her when Sam and Quil had found out about their imprints being gone. Defending her would have just added fuel to the fire. Leah had told Jake that until he grew up, they would not be together.

Jasper and Alice had offered their resources to help search for Heather, Emily and Claire. Alice had told her that Sam had refused to accept the help, claiming none of them wanted help from leeches or anything connected to that poison. They had gone to Wren and he wanted them to help unfortunately nothing had been found, it was like they vanished. They still called her every once in a while to update her on things. Eddie boy had finally found his mate in a nomad that he had run into during one of their hunts, the best part was that his mate was a dude. Jasper had told her that Emmett was still laughing about it, claiming that he had known all along that the boy was gay. Since "what guy in his right mind would have tuned a hot little thing like his Bella-boo".

She had actually contacted Rose and Emmett shortly after that. They weren't family, like she still considered the pack even if they were being idiots, but she knew if she needed any of them, they would be there for her. She still refused to speak to Eddie, Carlise or Esme. All of them were still looking for Claire, she could care less about Emily or Heather but Wren deserved to have his daughter with him and as much as she hated to admit it Quil needed his imprint.

Embry had moved in with Ang about a month after she left to help cover the bills.

They finally talked on Skype a week after he moved in. They found a way to get around the stupid order. He couldn't talk directly to her but whatever he wanted to say to me he said to Ang and it worked. Paul, Jared, Seth, Colin and Brady did the same thing when she would be on Skype with Kim or Sue. Jake had surprised Leah by begging her to call me so he could do the same thing nearly six months afterward. The two of them had been in tears by the end of the call. She had wanted to stay mad but it was had to be angry with her sun.

To this day Sam and Quil had yet to try to speak to her. Quil's refusal to speak to her hurt more than Sam though. Leah had told her that he didn't talk to anyone not even his mother or grandfather, Old Quil had shocked everyone when he told Sam and Quil that they were stupid pups for what they had done. Billy had come to the house the day before she left and told he that she was welcome on the rez but she didn't have the heart to go back at that time. She hoped that time away at school would help and it had. She was now more sure of herself and had embraced her inner bitch that even Rose had been proud of her.

Jake had taken over the pack three months ago and the first thing he did was recant Sam's order of the pack not being able to contact her. Her phone was still full of text messages that they had sent her that day. She had been in tears during most of the phone calls. She was on her way to forgiving all but Sam and Quil since they had yet to try to contact her.

She had been shocked when a huge package had showed up on her doorstep less than a week after the pack contacted her. There were gifts and letters from the pack and imprints, some that seemed to be over a year old. One package had been sent without a tag so she didn't know who it was from and none of the them were owning up to it. The best part that it had been one of her favorite things. It was a leather charm bracelet. The leather band was woven with all the colors of the pack's wolves from Sam down to Brady. It had a small wooden wolf, a small bottle filled with sand, a opened book, a crystal heart, a tree and a crescent moon. She figured the wolf for the pack, the bottle of sand was from first beach and a book since she loves to read but she was unsure on the last three.

She was currently on her way home now after nearly two years because Charlie was getting married to Sue and she was moving back home. She was driving the new truck that Emmett and Rose had gotten her as a graduation present instead of flying with all of her stuff in the back. Emmett had found it in a junkyard about to be scrapped and Rose had rebuilt the engine. Jasper and Alice had given her a new laptop so she could keep in contact with them. They wouldn't return often to Forks once they were told by Old Quil that them being nearby is what started the phasing. The Elders had redone a treaty with Rose, Emmett, Jasper and Alice since they were no longer using the Cullen name and Jake had taken over as Alpha. The tribe could get in touch with them and they would help in any way that they could. Jasper had even had Jenks set up a account for the tribe that could be used to send the pack to school and set up housing.

She passed the Welcome to Forks sign and smiled, happy to be home for good.

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