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4 years ago...
A red dragon slipped out of the castle. Queen Scarlet's soldiers where after her. She was just trying to save her egg... She launched herself into the air and took off, holding her egg.

My dragonet won't grow up in the middle of this war, she thought, I need to keep my egg as far away from Mother as I can... She looked back, the soldiers were gaining on her... She pumped her wings harder.

"Princess," one of the soldiers shouted, "Come back at once!" No, she thought, I'm not going to wait for Mother to decide that doesn't want to have me around any more... she glanced down at her egg and then she suddenly dove downward, into the forest below. She ran towards a cave, if I can make it, she thought, we will be safe.

She stacked up shrubs and ivy by the entrance to make it look like a solid wall. She heard the soldiers coming. She slipped back into the hidden cave with the egg. "We will survive this," she whispered quietly.

On the Brightest Night...
Frond was laying in a tree, sleeping. "C'mon," Kinkajou said, nudging her with her foot, "Wake up. It's almost dark. You want to go see the moons tonight, don't you? They're supposed to be really bright tonight..."

"Five more minutes..." Frond mumbled. "Come on! You have been asleep since noon. Get up," she told her. "Okay, Okay... I'm going I'm going." Frond got up. "Are you going to show me your secret spot?" Kinkajou looked at her, "Maybe..." she turned around and took off, swinging from branch to branch, "Try and keep up!" She yelled over her shoulder.

Frond took off after her, going slower than normal so that she didn't pass Kinkajou, "So, Kink... Where we goin'?" Kinkajou didn't look at her, "You'll see..." she replied ominously. "Okay..." Frond said.

After what felt like forever, Kinkajou suddenly flew up and above the canopy of leaves.

The view was breathtaking, the sun was just beginning to set and the sky was a beautiful colage of reds and oranges and pinks. 

"Amazing..." Frond said, awestruck. "Looks kinda like Jambo when he's excited," Kinkajou remarked. "Uh-huh," Frond mumbled, not really paying attention. "Look, the moons are coming out!" Kinkajou said, turning pink and gold.

The three moons were so bright... "Wow," Frond whispered.

Fulmar was swimming in the icy water around his house. He lived near a the ocean in the Ice Kingdom. He was going to leave to go see the Sea Kingdom soon.

He swam up to the surface. "Hi!" someone called. He looked over to see one of his best friends, Snowfrost. "Hi, Snow,"' he said, "what are you doing up so early?" There was still a hour or two before dawn came. "I could ask you the same thing," she retorted.

"I'm just going for a little swim before I go to the Sea Kingdom," he told her. "Oh, I forgot that you were leaving today..." she said, "Anyway, I came by to see if you wanted to go hunting, but it seems like you are a bit busy..." "I am leaving soon..." he said ruefully, he looked at her, "Maybe you could come with me..." he said wryly.

She thought about it, "No," she decided, "way too hot." "Oh yeah, I forgot you like the Subzero temperatures here..." She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, like every IceWing here."

"Anyway, I should be going," he told her. She waved, "Okay, bye! See you when You get back?" He started to fly off, "Of course," he called over his shoulder.

Sunbeam was sitting inside her tent, her best friend, Qibli, was sitting next to her. They were trying to solve a puzzle. "I think this one goes here..." he said, jamming a piece into a spot. Sunbeam laughed, "No, it goes over here..." she moved the piece to its right place. Qibli sighed, "Why is this so hard!?" He asked, flopping down and scattering pieces everywhere. She Sighed "Why'd you do that?"  "C'mon, let's go play outside! Race you to the oasis!" He took off, forgetting about the puzzle and without giving her a chance to argue. "Fine..." she said running after him.

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