Chapter 3

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He was light blue, with some turquoise and indigo scales scattered along his body. His claws where serrated, like an IceWing's, and webbed, like a SeaWing's. He had glow-in-the-dark stripes along his back, tail, and underbelly. Where's my Clawmate? The SandWing should be here by now, he flashed in Aquatic.

"'The SandWing' is right here," she said, revealing herself. The hybrid turned around, looking confused, "Wha... How did you-" She interrupted him, "Know what you were saying? Oh, I just do..."

"Why does a SandWing know Aquatic?" The hybrid asked, "No, how does a SandWing know Aquatic?" "What's you're name?" Sunbeam asked at the same time.

Sunbeam answered first, "It just comes naturally to me." The dragon just stared at her, "But... That's... IMPOSSIBLE!" She shook her head, "Not impossible, but improbable."

Sunbeam looked at him, "So, Hybrid, you're my Clawmate?" He glared at her, "Quit calling me that!" he told her, "and yes, I'm your Clawmate, SandWing." Sunbeam smiled, "If you want me to quit calling you Hybrid, you have to tell me your name..." He rolled his eyes, "Fulmar," He said.

She looked at him, "Fulmar?" He rolled his eyes again, "That's my name, SandWing, and what's your name?" She smiled and sweetly said, "If you keep rolling your eyes, they might get stuck." He glared at her, "You didn't answer my question."

"My name's Sunbeam," the SandWing answered, then she turned to face the rest of the cave, "Okay, let's get this place organized!" Fulmar groaned. "C'mon, Hybrid!" Sunbeam asked, laughing. "You promised you wouldn't call me that," Fulmar protested. "I didn't promise anything..." Sunbeam said, smiling. Fulmar glared at her, "Has anyone ever told you that you smile too much?"

Sunbeam thought for a second, "Actually, yes. My friend Qibli used to tell me that all the time..." She looked around at the cave. There were scrolls  stacked up on a shelf beside the wall and a rock close to the entrance that Fulmar seemed to have claimed for himself.

She walked up to the shelf and started to dig through the scrolls. She didn't she anything she liked, so she sat down and sighed. She opened her welcome letter. It said:

At this school, you will be learning side
by side with dragons from all other
Tribes, so we wanted to give you some
basic information that may be useful as
You get to know one another.

You have been assigned to a Winglet with
Five not six
Six other dragons

Thank you for being a part of this school.
You are the hope of Pyrrhia's future. You
are the dragons who can bring lasting
peace to this world.

She finished reading it, then she sat down and looked around again. She saw a hole in the wall. Sunlight was streaming in through the hole; Sunbeam decided to make this her sleeping spot.

She put her stuff down (which wasn't very much, Outclaws needed to be able to leave in a hurry, which meant not a lot of stuff) she got her stuff organized, then decided to take a nap, she was still exhausted from the flight there.

Later that day, Sunbeam went to the Prey Center. The Prey Center was a large cave open to the sky on one side. With the other side covered by a wall of rocks to prevent the prey from escaping. It was chaotic due to students either catching prey or eating. It was filled with animal prey, as well as a pile of fish, probably for SeaWings, caught by expeditions, and a pile of rainforest fruit for Rainwing students.

Sunbeam joined in and chased down a chicken. She picked it up and looked around for Qibli.

She saw him near an IceWing and a NightWing, but it seemed like they were arguing, so she decided to stay back. She couldn't hear what they were saying over the noise of the Prey Center. So, she sat back and began to watch the drama unfold.

She saw the IceWing flare up his wings and start roaring something at the NightWing. She realized that the IceWing had a cage next to him; Inside was a scavenger.

Then Qibli came over and started talking to the IceWing. Then, the IceWing started yelling at Qibli. What has Qibli gotten himself into this time? She thought. "Hi," she heard a voice from behind her.

She whipped around to see Fulmar coming up beside her. "Uh, hi," She said, "Were you watching me?" Instead of answering her question, he looked at the quarreling dragons. He pointed to the IceWing, "That's Prince Winter of the IceWings," he told her, "Do you know the SandWing?" She nodded, "That's Qibli, he's the one I told you about."

"So..." Sunbeam said uncomfortably, "Tell me about yourself." "I don't think this is the best place for this," he said, "Want to go for a swim?" He asked, only half joking.

To his surprise, Sunbeam nodded eagerly, "Sure! It's been a while since I've been swimming..." she said, turning towards the exit.

She left towards the SeaWing's swimming hole, leaving Fulmar to stare, mystified, after her. What an unusual SandWing, he thought, well, I guess I'm not really that usual. Then he followed after her, wandering about this strange, wonderful, and only slightly annoying dragon and what the future might have in store for them.

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