Chapter 1

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Present day...
Sunbeam was with Qibli, like always. Those two were almost never apart. Today, they were looking for Queen Thorn. "I don't think I'll ever get over how big this place is..." Qibli looked a bit embarrassed, "It's not that big, compared to some other castles..." Sunbeam ignored him, "So, where is Thorn?" "That's Queen Thorn, now," Qibli told her. "Oh, yeah," she said rolling her eyes, "Queen Thorn." She did a little bow. Qibli laughed."Anyway," Sunbeam said, "where is Her Highness?"

Right after she said that Thorn walked into the room, "'Your Highness' is right here." They whirled around, startled. "Oh, um, Your Highness," Sunbeam said, bowing awkwardly, "we heard you wanted to see us..."  "... but we got lost," Qibli finished.

"Okay," Thorn said, "follow me." With that she turned around and briskly walked away. Sunbeam and Qibli looked at each other, then they fallowed.

Thorn lead them through the winding hallways of the castle. Turning more times than Sunbeam could count. That's turn 62... or is it 26? Maybe 32, Sunbeam thought.

They followed Thorn to a little office. "So, Your Majesty,  what did you what to see us for?" Qibli asked.

Thorn smiled, "Glad you asked," she said, "You're going to Jade Mountain."

Sorry this chapter is so short guys. Here's a sneak peek at the next chapter!
Look!" Sunbeam exclaimed, "There are SO MANY stars!"
"Wow! This mountain is really, really Big," Sunbeam said.
I think my Clawmate is a..." she thought for a moment, "Oh, I remember! He's a hybrid..."

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