Preclude: Creation

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Experiment 3779 began with an idea. A simple human, her body amplified with the DNA of three different animals. Next came the ideas for the other girls going to be her roommates. She was to be put hawk, Jaguar, and German Shepherd into her. Experiment 6994 was to have panther, doberman pincher, and sparrow put into her. And so on and on. Then the idea behind them became reality. They were created and raised in the lab.  But 3779 quickly grew bored of staying encased within her glass tank everyday all day. She asked to go outside. And so came her first pain. A slap to the face. She quickly grew to hate the scientists, rebelling whenever she could. The others followed her example. Finally they were moved to a larger tank. It had fake grass, a waterfall, and trees. Everyone liked different parts of the larger place. 3779 particularly liked the   waterfall. So here they are now, fully grown with pent up rage that could burst any moment. And that's where this story begins.


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