Chapter XVIII

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Angelica danced around her room as she held the letters from Alexander. She was smiling and jumping around like she was a teenager again

Peggy leaned against the doorframe and watched her sister with a smile on her face, it made her happy to see Angelica so excited, she hadn't been this way for years

But at what cost?

"Angelica, I'm pleased that you went through with the plan, but maybe you should speak with Eliza. I don't want the both of you to hate each other. She was very upset at the ball." Peggy advised

"You're right, even though I was angry, I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. I just felt as if she was undermining all of the sacrifices I've made." Angelica replied, ashamed

Angelica got up and strut down the corridors of the Schuyler Mansion to Eliza's room

She walked in to find her reading letters addressed to her from

A. Hamilton

She knocked the door slowly

"Eliza, May I come in? I wish to speak with you." Angelica announced herself

Eliza was laying on her bed face down, her face buried in a pillow "What's the use? You made your feelings of me clear at the Winter's Ball." Eliza said sadly

Angelica sat on her sister's bed and stroked Eliza's hair in an attempt to comfort her

"'re my sister and I love you more than anything in this life. I would never try to intentionally do anything that could hurt you. I said what I said because I was angry. Not at you, but at the world. I felt as if it was keeping me from being happy and only forcing me to make sacrifices I didn't want to make. I'm so sorry, 'Liza. We've lost so many siblings... I couldn't bare to lose you due to a lapse in my judgement. Please forgive me?" Angelica spoke sincerely

Elizabeth Schuyler, so trusting, so kind

So forgiving

Eliza looked up and saw the sincerity in her sister's eyes and enveloped her in a hug that spoke words




"Angelica, I forgive you. However, I must also apologize. I was very selfish that night and I shouldn't have yelled at you. You're right, maybe this crush on Alexander is temporary. It was an 'in the moment' sort of thing. However there is something I must know. Why is it that whenever I think of that speaker in the square, my heart begins to flutter?"

Angelica gasped "Oh lord, please no. Is it who think it is?"

"You're not talking about Samuel Seabury, are you? He's so stuffy, so formal, so—" Angelica ranted about everything unsavory about Samuel

"That one! He was quite charming, I must say. Devilishly handsome as well..." Eliza looked up into the sky with dreamy eyes

"Eliza...of all people, you chose Samuel Seabury? His opinions are disgraceful to our country and he is siding with Britain? How would Alexander and his fellow soldiers feel knowing they sacrificed so much and won this war to have someone bash them. It's disgusting." Angelica sighed bitterly

"Angie, we haven't won the war...the war isn't even over. What do you speak of?" Eliza said with confusion

Peggy told me don't mention anything from the present!

"Oh nothing, wishful thinking, that's all..." Angelica covered

"Oh alright, well I love him. I wish to meet him and marry him. I pray father will like him." Eliza said

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