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Angelica stood in front of Peggy and Alexander's graves with a smile on her face

"Good morning, Peggy. You as well, Alexander. I have excellent news! We finally published John's biography! I know that's what you and John wanted, Pegs. It's called Tomorrow There'll Be More of Us. Eliza and I are quite proud of it! We've been working so hard to make sure it was perfect and told his story, no matter how short it was. We even included you and Frances! She loves it, by the way. Frances was the first one in the world to read it. She said it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen."

Angelica sighed and decided to talk to Alexander

"Oh, and Alexander! Speaking of biographies, Eliza and I are trying to find someone to write yours! We haven't been having the best of luck right now, but I promise. We will tell your story. Even if it means not telling our own. I assure you, Eliza's been doing her best but she's reached another complication. Bless her heart, that woman. She's truly been through Hell. There's a special place in Heaven reserved for angels like her. Oh, she's coming! Shh!" Angelica moved away from the tombs and off to the side

Eliza walked slowly towards the tombstones with a basket

"How are you today, family? I can't believe it, you all get to wake up to see a view as beautiful as this? My, you have me quite jealous! Did I tell you that Angelica and I finished John's biography? Oh, she most likely told you. It's funny really, she was awfully excited about it. Going on and on about how you would be so happy, Peggy. "

"Speaking of Angelica, how are you, love?" Eliza asked to Angelica's tombstone

"I wanted you to be close to everyone. No one should spend the rest of their afterlife alone, you know! You deserve it after doing so much to help me." Eliza wiped a tear and placed three bouquets of flowers for each stone

As she began to walk away, she turned around

"Oh, and Angelica? Do say hello to Alexander for me..."

"Of course, Eliza." Angelica concluded with a sad smile
This is it. This is the end of Rewind. You have no idea how beyond grateful I am for all the reads, comments, votes, saves, etc. This book was arguably one of my favorite to write. I would love to edit and make it even better because it's flawed but that's for a different time. Again, thank you for coming with me on this roller coaster of a book. I will be answering questions if you have any for me in the comments!

With all of my love,

Kennedy Brown❤️

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