Chapter 1

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Batman POV
So we decided it was time to ask Dick to become a league member. Now who should ask him?

"I'll ask." Superman says standing up. We all nod not wanting to argue.

Dick POV
I just got back from patrol. Lucy was sewing up a bullet wound. She already go the bullet out. Then theres a knock on my window.

Josh gets it and superman comes in.

"Whats up sups?" I ask then hiss at the sudden pain I got when Lucy tightened the stitch a bit.

"Sorry." Lucy mumbles.

"Its okay. Just warn me next time?" I ask and she nods. "So whats up?"

"Nightwing... Me and the justice league wanted to ask you if you wanted to join the league." Superman says. "We'll give you a week to think about it. When you made up your mind go to the mountain. We rebuilt it and tell canary."

He leaves. Wow I was asked to join the justice league!!!

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