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Veronica: B?
Veronica: B!?
Veronica: Betty!?
Veronica: Betts? Did you go and see the twins?
Betty: No.
Veronica: then where tf have you been B?
Betty: places.
Veronica: Betts you don't need to be distant, I am worried about you.
Betty: Why?
Veronica: Cuz ur my #1 ride or die bff/sis
Betty: Oh. I'll be around on Saturday.
Veronica: Awesome! Where?
*Betty doesn't answer*

Group Chat
Jughead: Sup
Cheryl: Nothing. Where's my damn cousin at? I have to ask her something.
Toni: I haven't seen her since Monday. It was weird.
Jughead & Veronica: WHERE?!!?!?!
Toni: White Whyrm. Idek why she was there. She was with her mom and she was talking to an old serpent named Screwdriver.
Veronica: Oh no!
Cheryl: wtf. And what's 'on no' rons
Veronica: Daddy said a man named Screws was doing business with him a few months ago! I'm asking daddy who this man is! Cya
Cheryl: ok get back to us with what u find!
Toni: I asked Sweatpea and he said Screwdriver is a fizzle rocks dealer and he is dating Penny Peabody.
Jughead: Bitch. I still have a scar from her.
Archie: Ronica?
Veronica: Yes?
Archie: Where u been? I thot u were supposed to be coming over on Saturday
Veronica: I am not dating you anymore, 'member? I'm with Reggikins!
Reggie: Yea babe, your with me now wanna come over ;)
Veronica: defs! On my way!
Reggie: yay!
Cheryl: hoe.
Toni: 😂
Josie: Kevin? Is your dad home?
Kevin: Yea he keeps groaning, I think he's working out
Josie: my mom is t home and she said she'd be with ur dad.
Kevin: ewwww He sure isn't working out his abs. He's working out ur mom
Josie: eww! 🤢 🤮 Stooooop!
Cheryl: good one Keller.
Kevin: my gay heart is shookth, thank you queen
Cheryl: wtf
Veronica: 😂
Veronica: dad said that Screwdriver helped him 'get rid of a few people' in 2014 and now he is a shareholder in daddy's business.
Cheryl: ahhhh a hitman and a drug dealer, gotcha!
Betty: Hello all. It is Betty. I want to tell you all something. The reason I have been gone is because I'm working on my plans. I can't tell anyone about my plans yet, but soon you all will know them. Bye.
Cheryl: ok? Ig. But cousin pm me!

Private Chat Cheryl/Betty
Cheryl: Cousin Cooper, I have a question about Screws.
Betty: ??
Cheryl: Why were you talking to him?
Betty: He is the key to my plans.
Cheryl: ok then. But my other original q was how are the twins?
Betty: annoying. Blah. Cry all the time. Dreadful. Even worse than your mother. If you don't get it, they are stupid and gross.
Cheryl: wtf Betty?! That's your niece and nephew ur talking about! Don't be bitch!

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