Chapter 10 - Intrusion

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My mood rose immensely when the boat finally docked on the other side. It felt like we had been on the water for years. Multiple quiet years. Wild had said nothing to me after the siren incident. We sat near each other because I think both of us were worried but nothing was said.

The old captain came out to bid us goodbye and then we were off quickly. Wild looked insanely relieved when his feet hit the ground. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I feel much better." Wild said before continuing forward. I quickly followed close behind him.

"How were you not affected by the sirens?" I asked when we stepped off the docks. The question had been burning in the back of my mind since the incident. Wild spared me a glance but didn't stop walking. 

"Fairies are immune to some magic and spells. It's just how we're made." Wild explained. I felt stupid for not knowing since assassin's were trained to know their targets but the fairies were such a secretive race. I couldn't help but look him over as he walked in front of me. His long, red hair was tied back in a messy braid, showing off his pointed ears. You'd think the ears and bright colors would give away his race but nymphs, werecats and many other races shared similar appearances.

Caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed Wild stop until I had almost run directly into him. I looked up to where he was pointing. The sign on the wood building read The Sleepy Hollow.

"It's as good a place as any." I said, shrugging. I didn't remember where I had stayed last time I was here. I pushed open the door and held it open for Wild. Wild found his way to a map on the wall while I went to buy a room.

"Hello sir. A room for two?" The man behind the desk asked.

"Yeah. One be-" I stopped mid sentence. Maybe one bed wasn't a good idea. The sirens have proved to me that I cared more for Wild than I wanted to think. "Two beds." I said finally. The man nodded and handed me a rusted key. I took it and tapped Wild on the shoulder as I passed. Wild rushed up the stairs with me. 


I waited patiently as Zypher forced the key into the door and unlocked it. I waited even longer for him to budge the door open with his shoulder. I expected the usual creaky floors and peeling walls but I didn't expect the two separate beds pushed up against opposing walls.

My brows furrowed as I walked further in. Was this a mistake? I peeked over at Zypher as he set his bag on the bed closest to the window. He looked as if this was normal. We had always shared a bed. It cut the cost and the body heat was nice at night even if we never touched.

Maybe I had done something wrong. Tears pushed at my eyes and I quickly escaped into the bathroom to compose myself.

The rest of the day was filled with Zypher planning out our next moves and me silently sulking on my bed. I made sure to look like nothing was wrong on the outside but on the inside, I was a mess of emotions. For awhile I thought Zypher and I were making progress but then he acted so uncaring and now this.

"Probably should get to bed. We have to get up early and keep moving if we want to stay relatively on schedule." Zypher said, dropping the map he had been working on back into his bag. He flipped it closed and stood up. I admired his muscles through his shirt as he stretched out but I quickly looked away when he was done.

"Okay." I said quietly and then began my routine of washing my face and teeth, switching in and out of the bathroom in turns with Zypher. When we were both done, we gave each other awkward looks. It was the first time he had even remotely acknowledged the change. 

A giggle of the door handle pulled us from our staring contest. Zypher jumped into action, pulling me behind him and readying a knife. The door was shoved open and two people stared back at us.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zypher growled, making sure their eyes caught the knife in his hand.

"T-the person at the desk said that this was the only room left that had two beds and that there were only two people in here. H-he gave us the room as well." The boy stuttered. He was a nymph. He wasn't hiding it well. It seemed that since he was so intimidated by Zypher the usual blue of his skin was fading over the tan he tried to disguise it as.

"Too fucking bad. We paid for this room and we were here first. Get out." Zypher half yelled. When neither the nymph or the purple haired girl next to him moved, Zypher began taking quick strides towards them. I immediately reached out and grabbed his arm. He stopped but glared when he looked at me.

"Do you guys not have anywhere else to go? There has to be other hotels here." I questioned. Before Zypher decided to rip them to shreds, I wanted to know why they didn't just go elsewhere.

"This is the cheapest one in town. We don't have much money to spare." The girl said, finally speaking up. I examined them and if their appearances said anything, they weren't lying. Their clothes were dusty and ripped in odd spots. They looked hungry too. 

"You can stay." I said, sending them a kind smile.

"What?!" Zypher growled, spinning back around to look at me.

"They are staying." I said firmly. Zypher pursed his lip but nodded after a few moments. Zypher stalked back to the bed he choose as the two strangers climbed into their own bed. They blew out the candle quickly and the sound of their soft snores filled the room almost immediately. 

Once I had made sure every candle was put out, I looked back at the bed I would be sharing with Zypher. He was already in it, laying on his side with a frown. But he wasn't asleep, I could tell by the way his breathing was uneven. I padded over softly and laid myself on the very edge. He didn't want me to sleep with him and now he's stuck with me.

It was quiet. The two new people sleeping on the other side of the room made little noise and Zypher was born to be silent. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

"What's wrong?" Zypher asked quietly. I could almost hear the frown in his voice. I curled more in on myself and debated on whether I actually wanted to tell him.

"You bought a room that had two beds. We've always slept together. You've seemed to angry lately too. I just... don't understand. I don't understand what I did wrong." I whispered. I felt stupid being sad over something as small as an assassin not being nice to me but it was the truth.

"I can explain." Zypher said after a long sigh. His voice was filled to the brim with reluctance and unsurity.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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