Chapter 4

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ou o' Imma update but its a draft update. Imma dump all my ideas to this. And edit when I finish dumping lmao.

I kept repeating curse words in my head. That thing up there would most likely attract more zombies here if it kept following me and bumping into things. Looking left and right, thoughts were spinning, where the heck was I supposed to go. I didn't have the time to go to the fire escape I saw with "James" before. I completely forgot about it and just ran past it like an idiot. 

I stopped running for a moment, gazed out the windows, checking the vicinity. I was now at the second floor. It was too much of a risk going down zombies was not near but not to far. I looked back and saw the thing looking for me at the end of the staircase. I glanced outside again and saw a life saving opportunity. 

I put the pole into the back belt holes in my pants, opened the window, quickly getting out headfirst. Shuffling. Fuck its moving towards me. I gripped the pipes going up a bit and deciding to kick down the window to delay the thing. I didn't look back because I know that it was banging the window and it shattered but i was already halfway up the building.

The glass from the window attracted the not to near but not to far zombies but that is not to worry about. I need to get this "thing" out of my tail first.

I finally reached the roof. There were no zombies. It was clean. It looks like the door to the rooftop was shut and locked. Phew. I checked back to look at the second floor. Holy shit. It was climbing the pipes.


Or not.

It slipped down and hit the floor with a thud. It screamed and it begun attacking the nearby zombies.

I assumed that it was busy and forgot about me. Nodding to myself. I leaned back and wiped the sweat off of my face. Now was the time to call my brother. 

"The person you are trying to reach is unavailable."

  "The person you are trying to reach is unavailable." 

"The person you are trying to reach is unavailable."

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Things just got worse. No contact with my brother. Phone is almost dead 5% not that it mattered anyways. Phone service got screwed up. I shut down the phone and slipped it into my pocket. Staying here was a no go, since that thing is still there. I surveyed the area and found out that one rooftop was accessible. I needed to run, jump and roll to land. But the door was open. My landing might attract attention. So I need to go and jump to another roof again.

The third building was better. It was an apartment building. The door was closed. And I could see some little windows at the top of the 'entrance'. I could take a look inside, if its safe, maybe go in and try collect for food before deciding further. 

I hyped myself up. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Okay. Run. Jump. Roll. 

Again. Run. Jump. Roll.

Turns out my first landing was alright. No zombies was near the door. I shrugged to myself. I found a few bricks and stacked it so i could look inside. It was getting dark outside so I needed to find a place to sleep in. Hmm. It looks alright inside. Just one zombie shuffling near the stairs.

I opened the door slowly and tossed a coin down the stairs. The zombie was alerted and was going up the stairs also slowly. I waited till it got up before closing the door and attacking it with my pipe. I smashed its head and kicked the body away. I opened the door and got my coin.

Repeating the process 4 times before the floor was cleared. I huffed in annoyance. There wasn't much but it was enough for a day. I scavenged a few of the rooms and found a sealed bottle of water among the mess of a refrigerator, a corned beef canned good.

I grabbed a can opener, a pair of spoon and fork (I'm not an animal yet) a small bread knife (i wrapped it in cloth before stashing it into my bag) from a kitchen area.

Otherwise the area was trashed. And bloody might I add.

I could probably find more resources in the other rooms. But that journey is for tomorrow.

I picked a room closest to the rooftop so i could go out that way if needed. Blocked the door with a cabinet. There was two beds (one was smaller), a mini kitchen, a couch, a knocked down television, and a restroom. Pictures littered the walls. Looks like the person who lived here was a single woman and a kid. I sat down with a sigh. I opened my bag and fished out the can opener. 

Finishing with my dinner, I tried with opening the water. it worked but i didn't trust the water. I got a few pieces of clothing from the drawers and cut it into small pieces. It wasn't dirty and I might need it in the future who knows. I thought about getting some soap but since water might not be that well I kicked it out of my mind. It was just extra baggage.

I looked around again and decided to rummage around since there was no one here anymore. It wasn't considered stealing? breaking and entering? eh. I looked inside the bags and found a pack of baby wipes, a mirror, pack of gums,  Neat. I packed it into my bag. More personal belongings. Oh. A wallet. Single woman. Named Alyssa Patterson. Age 28. There was money but i figured it was useless. Ya know. Apocalypse. 

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Settling down into the bed, I wondered about what the heck happened earlier. Maybe my brother dragged James outta there. Maybe they were just hiding in one of the floors. I felt betrayed but guilty at the same time. Maybe I should go back there. Check for them. I slapped my cheeks. Yeah. Check again.

If I do or don't see them I go back here. Check this place out. Get stuff. Get a bigger bag. Make a plan. Get a map or something. I need to make a list of things. I need a notebook a pen or pencil. I need clothes too. I need the basics. I need to look for people?

I didn't know yet.

I also don't know what that thing earlier was.


What I know I need sleep.


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