"Maybe no one will notice that"

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Minho got up just as his alarm clock started to beep. He quickly turned it off and went to his bathroom.

"God, my hair's a shucking mess" was his first thought. He squeezed some gel onto his palm and styled his hair to his usual.

He,then went through his usual morning routine. Brush teeth, clothes,breakfast before grabbing his phone and bag then leaving.

Minho couldn't help but replayed the scene from yesterday as he walked to school.

Minho had sceretly followed Newt to the library. He waited till he sat down at a table near a corner before pouncing on him, almost causing the blonde to topple over. "Slinthead, I could have broke my neck" Newt complained. "I'll fix it then" Minho replied and softly kissed the blonde's neck. He smirked as he felt Newt moaning softly through gritted teeth and kissed deeper. But when Minho bit on Newt's neck, he gave a loud gasp before clasping his mouth shut. Luckily, no one had noticed. Newt turned to glare at him. "Shuckface," he muttered and pushed Minho off. "I'm hurt" Minho said mockingly. Newt just pulled him into another kiss, trailing from the mouth to Minho's jaw line.

Speaking of jaw lines, Minho reached out to feel his jaw line. He felt a little bump at his right jaw line. "Shuck. Maybe no one will notice that" he thought as he pulled his collar up and hurried to school.

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