"What are you two doing to Newt?"

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Thomas, Minho's best friend, ran up to him the minute Minho entered the school.

"Hey, slinthead! you ready for today's practice?"

"Hell yeah I am, shank"

Minho and Thomas were in the school's track team. He and Thomas were racing each other at the field after school one day and were oblivious that a coach was watching both of them run. She immediately recommended both of them to the director of the track team, who agreed that they were to be given a chance to audition. To both Minho and Thomas's surprise, they got in. They were given special coaching from the director himself because of the potential they both possessed. They both had entered multiple running competitions and came back with multiple medals and trophies. Very soon, they were assigned to practice with the seniors runners who had more experience than them.

Thomas dragged Minho to a bench, under a tree, waiting for their other friend, Newt to arrive.

They immediately began talking. "What's taking Newt so long?" Thomas asked as he looked at his watch, "he's usually very punctual"

"I don't k- Hey, look! He's here" Minho pointed at the blonde making his way to their direction.

"Yeah, but why are his siblings still with him?" Thomas asked again.

Usually, the three of them would part ways and go hang out with their own friends. But this time, Newt was sandwiched in the middle with Gally and Sonya pegging his arms.

"Hi Minho, Thomas" Gally said with a nod as they approached them. "Hi Gally" Thomas said, "say, what are you two doing to Newt?"

"We're gonna find out who gave him a hickey" Sonya said, matter of factly before Gally or Newt could respond.

"Sonya!" Newt scolded.

"What? It's not like they don't know you're gay"

Newt had revealed his sexuality to his friends and family months ago. He was expecting disappointment or even hate but he was taken aback when his friends and family supported him and called him out for being brave. They still loved him and that was that.

Newt started to retort back, "still, you didnt have t-"

"ANYWAYS", Gally said, interrupting Newt's rant, "have you ever seen him being very close to a certain boy or something? "

"Not really..." Thomas said, glancing at Minho, who was silent the whole time, "What do you think, shank?"

"No", Minho said, his voice hasher than usual. Just then, the bell, signaling the start of class, rang. "I don't want to be late to class, I'll see you guys later" and he walked off without a glance back.

"Man, what happened to him?" Thomas whispered to Newt.

Newt sighed. He might have a hunch on what Minho was so grumpy about.

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