"Its alright. I get it."

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The bell rang again, signalling the end of class.

Newt stood up from his seat.

"Remember class, there will be a pop quiz tomorrow so you better start studying!" the history teacher, Mr Janson said.

There were groans as students left the class.

Newt decided to head to his locker. He placed his history book into his locker and pulled out his English textbook. Minho will be in his class and Newt couldn't help by ruffling his hair, the way Minho loves it. Then he became aware that there was almost no one in the hallways.  The bell then rang. Newt ran to his next class, despite his limp.

Newt had gotten his limp when he was 12. It was snowing that day and he was having snowball fights with his best friend, Alby. They were chasing each other when Newt slipped and fell, skidding down a steep hill and crashed into a large boulder in his way. Newt didn't remember much after that as he was knocked unconscious but he did remember seeing a scared and weeping Alby, dragging him back home. When Newt woke up, his right leg was bloody and bandaged. And he had a limp ever since.

He turned the knob and entered the class. His teacher, Mrs Wright was already there.

"You're late, Isaacs" she said stiffly

"Yeah, sorry" Newt replied as he took his seat beside Minho.

"As I was saying-" and the lesson drawled on and on.

Newt glanced at Minho. Minho was looking straight ahead, taking notes. Slowly and carefully, Newt inched his hand towards Minho's and placed it on top of his hand. He felt Minho stiffened a little before relaxing.

Really, it was pure luck that Minho was a left handed while Newt was right. They could still hold hands as they write.

Time flew and very soon, the bell rang again. Mrs Wright quickly wrapped up her class, gave her students 3 assignments, to be handed in the next week and sent them off to their next class.

As the students were pilling around the door, Minho pulled Newt aside.

"Look, about this morning, I didn't mean to sound rude. I just, I dont know, I want, no..I mean, it's that.."

Newt knew Minho was struggling to put the words together. He placed a hand on the taller boy's shoulder.

"It's alright. I get it", he said with a smile.

Minho gave him a soft smile, "thanks" he said. Newt smiled wider.

Minho was always the sassy, thick headed jock, but underneath all that, was a soft, kind hearted boy. He never showed anyone the softness inside him but only to Newt. And that made Newt feel very special. It was only Newt who knew how to read his emotions and only Newt who can calm him down. Newt knew everything about him and understood him perfectly. He was the key to Minho's heart. The missing piece in him. His everything.

Newt gently pinched Minho's cheek. "Done daydreaming?" ,He asked with a smirk.

"Nope, you interrupt it", Minho sassed back. Newt laughed. "Well, sorry to spoil that lovely dream of yours but it's recess and I'm starving. I want to eat"

Minho slung his arm around Newt's neck. "Then let's go" he replied.

To anyone who saw that may think that it was an arm around the neck you give to your best friend. A friendly, innocent sling. But only the two of them know that it was much more than that.

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