"I love you"

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Minho and Newt arrived at the school cafeteria, with Minho's arm still around Newt's neck. They got in queue and waited for about 5 minutes to get their food. Once they got their food, they scanned the room to look for Thomas.

They found Thomas sitting on their usual table however Gally and Sonya were there too. Hesitating, they made their way to the three.

"Hey guys!", Thomas greeted  between mouthfuls. Gally was watching him eat, half amaze and half disgusted that Thomas could still talk with his mouth full.

Minho placed his tray on the table and took a seat next to Thomas. "Hey", he greeted back. Newt just sat down, almost on Minho's lap, and looked at his two siblings.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"Continuing our interrogation", Sonya replied, without missing a beat.

Newt slammed his fist onto the table. "Seriously?! Stop it. It's annoying, you know. I feel like I have zero privacy. Just because I'm not telling you doesn't give you guys privelages to ask everyone until you get the answer. It's my secret and it's my choice. By the way you both are acting, how am I to trust you in the future?"

The table became quiet. Newt rarely got mad. And whenever he got mad, he got really, really mad.

"Look, we're sorry, Newt. We didn't know it'll make you feel like that. We are just worried about you", Gally said. "Well, you don't have to be. I can take care of myself you know", Newt shot back.
"Alright", Gally smiled, his hands in mock surrender, " you win, big guy"

The tension melted and soon everyone was chatting and eating. Minho dug in into his spaghetti casserole. It was good but not as good as the one Newt makes.

Newt was an excellent cook. So were his siblings. They grew up in a house full of foodie people and picked up many tips and secrets of cooking. He remember Newt telling him that when he was younger, his parents would let him use the kitchen every Sunday to cook a meal for them.

"Hey Minho"

Minho looked up.

"What's that on your jaw line?", Sonya asked curiously.

"Huh", Minho touched his jaw line. It was the little mark Newt had given him two days ago. He was surprised that it was still there. "I don't know. I think it's a mosquito bite" Minho replied.

"Really? I didn't know mosquitoes had teeth", Sonya laughed.

"Wait..." she said, her laughter subsiding, putting the pieces together. "So you gave my brother a hickey?!" She exclaimed.

"NO!" Minho cried out, flustered.

"Dude, don't deny it",Gally said, amused, "yours and Newt's faces said it all"

Newt's poor face was tomato red and he looked flustered, eyes refusing to look at anyone but his food.

"Probably a bad time to think about this but Newt looks adorable"  Minho thought.

He turned his attention back to Sonya, Gally and Thomas, who were all trying not to laugh.

"Congrats, man",Thomas said, clamping his back,"you finally lost your virginity"

"NO, I did NOT loose my virginity. Neither did Newt. We just kissed!" Minho exclaimed defensively.

"Aha!", Thomas laughed, "so you two did kiss" 

Frustrated, Minho buried his face into his hands.

He felt a warm, comforting hand on his back. He looked up to see Newt.

"Well, I guess our secret is out" he said, "might as well make it official"

Minho gaped at Newt. Was his serious? Minho had been so looking forward to the time when he could officially claim Newt but he didn't expect it would be this soon. Neverless, he gave a slight nod.

Newt clasped his hand and turned to look at the others, "Yes, Minho gave me this hickey and no we didn't shuck. We are dating but we aren't at that stage yet" he said confidently.

"We know man," Thomas replied, munching on a fry, "we've been watching you two make goo goo eyes at each other for some time now. We just want to confirm our suspicion"

Minho's jaw dropped. Were they that obvious?

"Don't worry man, we'll not kill you for dating our brother but if you hurt him, you're gonna be dealing with both of us", Sonya smirked.

"Make it three!" Thomas exclaimed, "don't hurt Newt"

"WOW Thomas. I can't believe you'll stand against me" Minho said in mockingly.

Thomas shrugged, "Newt's my best friend too and if you hurt him, there'll be awkwardness between all 3 of us. It'll be so thick that you can smell it from afar"

To be very honest, Minho had no idea what Thomas said so he blindly nodded.

"Hey! I'm still here you know" Newt exclaimed.

"Yes we know", Sonya said, rolling her eyes, "just remember to wear protection"

Newt's face turned red and pale at the same time, making him look like a pink flamingo.

"Just kidding!" his twin laughed.

Minho smiled. He knew that the day to tell everyone that he and Newt were dating would come but he didn't know it would be this easy. 

He gave Newt a kiss on the lips, earning hollers from the three seated with them and whispered into a blushing blonde's ear, "Newton Isaacs, you're now officially my boyfriend. I love you" 

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