The Beginning.

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It's the last year of high school.
I'm waiting for them to announce I'm being held back a year.
I don't really Care though to be honest.
You see I'm a bitch.
I don't fit in with the rich people I wear black leathers.
I'd rather commit crime than sit in a classroom listening to a boring Ass teacher blabbing on about shit I wouldn't need for a job.
I'm the most hated in this school.
I have rich friends a small group in which I trust.
They understand my story they see me as a good person I'm not.
Being friends with them makes me somewhat popular but many choose to stay away.

Tyler's ntro:
The last year of hell.
I'm a weirdo I won't lie.
Some say I'm a geek.
I'm not I'm just interested in actually making it out of here with something to show for it.
I have two trustworthy friends.
But then again I'm pretty sure they slag me off behind my back so they aren't I just like to have faith.
They judge because I'm not from their rich kid shit I'm a Southsider.
They're north side they think they're better than everyone else.
There she goes the schools answer to Bad ass.
In a respect I admire her.
She's heavily judged because she's not afraid to speak out like I am.
I'm not afraid I just don't wanna get my head kicked in.
I've never spoke to her.
I've seen her battering people I wasn't gonna risk my life over it.

Danielle's POV.
"I don't know to be honest he's cute but I don't really like him all that much"Lucy said.
"Oh look it's the south side scum."I heard a voice say behind me.
"Scum?"I said standing up.
"Yeah you shouldn't be here you don't belong on this side."Tommy said.
"What do you mean the southsiders don't belong here we have just as much right as you"A voice said.
"Stay out of it Halfway"Tommy replied.
I turned to see Halfway something about him seemed perfect.
"No no no he's right"I said.
Halfway stood next to me.
"You're nothing but a scummy weirdo Halfway now fuck off"Tommy said.
Halfway punched him in the face.
Tommy reacted but stopped him quickly just as he hit Halfway.

Tommy ran off like the pussy he is.
"You good Halfway?"I said.
"I will be"he said.
"You're nose is bleeding"I laughed.
"So it is"he said.
I went to walk away.
"Wait."He said.
"Yeah?"I replied.
"Thank you for trying what's you're name"he said.
"Danielle"I said Smirking and walking off.
He wasn't a weirdo,He was like me just smarter.
And quite hot I won't lie,Most girls would shame me for saying it but he's not that bad I think it's because they don't like the way he dresses and because he's a southsider.

Halfway's POV.
As she walked away with a smirk on her face I smiled.
She wasn't all that bad,we were the same,I hoped I'd see more of her and that I did.

"Hey Dani"I said a few weeks later as we were now friends.
"Halfway hold on a sec."she said.
"Sup"I replied.
She grabbed my arm leading me to an empty classroom.
"Why the secretiveness"I said laughing.
"I wanna try something that I've never started myself"She said.
SHe inches closer causing me to tense up.
She kissed me.
I kissed back.
"What was that for"I said.
I already liked her anyway.
"I like you a lot,and as much criticism I'll get for it I want you"she said.
"I like you too,I have done for a while."I said.
She kissed me again.
This time it turned into something more heated.
We kissed for about 5 minutes until the bell rang.
"I'll see you later?"I said.
"Yeah you will"she laughed.

Danielle's POV:
I saw him in the hall,he lay eyes on me and smirked.
Underneath his personality he was everything other guys aren't,he is gentle he won't ask for anything if I'm not comfortable.
I bit my lip smirking at him.
He looked away then looked back smirking back at me.
"Are you flirting with the weirdo?"My friend said.
"So what if I am,and he's not weird."I said.
"I have to tweet this"She said.
"You dare and I'll smash up your pretty face"I said.
Halfway was laughing.
I got out of school and down the road.
"Why the rush Dani"Halfway said stood on the corner.
"My friends are rich bitches"I said.
"Fair point,why so aggressive earlier?"he said.
"She tried tweeting that I was flirting with you and for both our sakes I think we should wait before we say anything"I said.
"I agree"he said.
"Do you ever take that hat off?"I said smiling.
"Depends on what I'm doing"He winked.
"Wow"I said laughing.
"What about you do you ever take the snake jacket off"he said.
"Depends on what I'm doing"I giggled.
"I have the jacket,I might start wearing it now I've revealed I'm a southy"He said.
"You should"I said.
"Can I tell you a secret?"he said.
"Yeah"I replied.
"I'm the son of King Snake"he said.
"Snake charmers son?"I said.
"Yup,you are sort of dating? The son of your king"he said I immediately looked at him for his choice of words.
"Dating?"I said.
"I couldn't think of a word for us it just came to mind"he said.
"I like it"I said.
He did the thing I'm too much of a pussy to do and that was grab my hand,I wasn't used to the feeling shit.
If I'd have met him a couple years earlier I'd probably be a different girl.

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