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I wake to find Halfway was gone I still hadn't told him about Christopher.
I go out into the hall,Christopher is stood in just a pair of shorts.
"You seen Halfway?"I say.
"No,I thought he was with you?"Christopher says.
"No"I say running downstairs.
Alisha,Victoria,Ryan And Cameron are sat laughing.
"Have any of you seen Halfway?"I say.
They all nod no and look confused.
I grab my phone of the table where it was charging.
"Hey This Is Tyler if I don't answer I'll ring you back or not"His voicemail says.
"No ones seen him?"I say.
"No?"Cameron says.
I run upstairs to check if Kyles there.
I open the door and Kyle and Lucas are playing.
Christopher follows me in rubbing his eyes.
"Somethings not right."I say.
"You know if the impossible has happened who runs the gang?"Christopher says.
"Me"I say.
"Shit"Christopher says.
"I'm calling the police watch Lucas and Kyle a second."I say.
"Hello This is South Manchester police department how may I help?"A lady says.
"Hello my names Danielle Reynolds,Id like to report a missing person."I say.
"Can I have a name and description"She says.
"Tyler Reynolds,21,Black shaved hair at the sides loads on top,Um he has a large tattoo of my name on his arm,and one on his stomach of a snake."I say.
"Do you know what he was last wearing?"She says.
"Not a clue I woke up this morning and he's nowhere to be seen and his phones off"I say.
"Okay Will send out a patrol"She says.
"Thank you"I say.
As soon as I get off the phone Christopher stands In the hall with me.
"I'm sure he's okay"He says.
"What if he's not?"I say.
"Then you have me,but don't think about that"he says.
2 days later.
They still haven't found him.
I just sit in silence when the phone goes.
"Hello?"I say.
"Mrs Reynolds,Officers have found Tyler,He is hospital in critical condition after being stabbed 19 times"The operator says.
I drop the phone and grab my car keys.
I drag Christopher who is just in track bottoms and trainers not t shirt.
"Woah where we going?"He says.
"They found him he got stabbed 19 times we need to go to the hospital."I say.
I run in and start demanding I see him.
They take me through.
Christopher follows still no top.
Halfway is just about awake.
"Oh my god"I say crying.
"H-Hey"He says.
"I'm glad you're okay."I say.
"I'm not"He says.
Christopher's eyes widen.
"Dani I don't think I can hold on"he says.
"Please"I say crying.
"Look just do me a favour,Look after Kyle and the Gang"he says.
"No you aren't leaving me"I say.
"Christopher I hate you but look after them all"Halfway says.
Christopher nods nearly crying himself.
"I love you"He says just about lifting his hand to my face.
"No"I say.
His eyes close.
"NO"I shout.
"I'm sorry I love you"He murmured.
"No don't leave me"I say grabbing his hand trying to make him open his eyes.
The machine goes from heart beats to flatline.
I start crying hysterically.
"NO!"I scream as the nurse runs in.
"Move our the way!"The doctors say.
"No!"I scream,Christopher grabs me pulling me into his arms.
They try resuscitating him.
"I pronounce Tyler Reynolds dead at 12:47pm Friday the 3rd of April,21 years old. "The doctor says.
I start crying.
Christopher pulls me out the room.
He takes me to the car and puts me in closing the door.
"Can you out you're seatbelt on"He says.
I put it on and just stay silent.
"I'm sorry"He says.
"You didn't kill did you"I say.
"No,I just....I don't know what to say."He says.
"I do,When find out who killed him I'm gonna kill them"I say.
We pull up at the house.
I open the door and go upstairs.
Christopher's POV:
"What happened?"Alisha said.
"Tyler's dead"I say.
Alisha runs upstairs presumably after Danielle.
Victoria just stares into space.
"Are you messing?"She says.
"No I just watched him fucking die!"I say.
I start crying.
She gets up and hugs me.
"Woah,what happened?"Ryan says.
"Tyler's dead"Victoria says.
Ryan drops his bag and runs upstairs.
Cameron just stares at the floor.
Then Danielle comes running down the stairs with a gun.
She walks out the door.
I get up and follow.
"What are you doing?"I say getting in the car with her.
"What Noah the rapist?"I say.
"Yeah"She says a sudden cold look on her face.
She drives way over limit and speeds into Noah's Driveway.
She jumps out the car.
I run after her.
"Think about this Danielle"I say.
"I already have"She says.
She kicks door in and walks upstairs.
I follow staying quiet.
She flings his door open and there he is fucking Layla.
"Woah Danielle!"He says.
"I'm gonna kill you!"She screams.
"What the fuck Edwards"Layla says.
"Christopher?"Noah says.
"Shut the fuck up everyone"Danielle says waving the gun.
"You killed my fucking husband!"She screams at Noah.
"That wasn't me"he says.
"Well you know what they say,Life for a life"Danielle slurs.
I grab the gun from her hand.
"GIVE IT BACK"She says hitting me.
She falls down against the wall and starts crying.
I could see the hurt in her eyes she's confused and doesn't know what to do.
"Get dressed both of you!"I say.

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