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5 days later.
I was watching the tv in the hospital room.
I turned around to see Tyler fidgeting.
"TYLER!"I said running over.
He struggled to open his eyes.
"Hey beautiful"He said.
I kissed him.
I rang the bell.
Everyone ran in.
"Hello"He said To them.
"Mr.Reynolds,we need to keep you for a few more days just to see if you are definitely okay until then everyone I advise you get some sleep and a shower"the nurse said.

2 days later.
"Welcome Home"I said holding his hand and the other was around his front.
I sat him on the chair and he relaxed.
My mum was making food and bringing in drinks for us.
"I'm gonna vanish now,Ryan and Vic have gone out for tea and Alisha's upstairs with Jamie See you later"she said.
"Bye mum"I said.
"Thank you Ms Edwards!"Tyler shouted.
"I actually thought I lost you"I said.
"Never"He replies put his arm round me.

1 month later.
"I know but let's go"Jamie says.
"Where's my sister?"I say.
"I don't know"Jamie says walking out.
I shrug and go to repeat.

Student Lounge.
Callie was sat.
"Where you been?"I say.
"None of your business"She says.
"Fuck you then"I say siting next to Halfway.
"Dani"Halfway says.
"Yeah?"I say.
"The wounds hurting me"he says.
"Let me see"I say.
He lifts his top to the wound.
"It's okay you just need to sit."I say.
"Okay"He says sitting back down.
"Why's he got a 'wound'" Callie says sarcastically.
"Cause Smartarse he was shot!"I shout.
She shuts up.
Alisha walks in looking like a mess.
"What happened to you"I say.
She just stays silent.
"Ali"I say getting up.
"What happened"I continue standing infront of her.
She gets up and hugs me.
"I don't know what to do."she cries into my shoulder.
"First up what happened"I say.
"Jamie"She says and Halfway looks over.
"What's he done?"I say.
"He cheated on me"She replies.
Halfway scowls and tries to get up but winces in pain.
"When?"Halfway says.
"A couple days ago I found out from someone else he don't know I know"she says.
"I'm gonna Kill him"Halfway says.
On cue Jamie walks in.
Me and Halfway immediately evil eye him.
"Kill who?"He says in an abrupt tone.
"YOU!"Halfway booms across the room.
Callie pulls a "Oh shit" face.
I grab him by the neck and push him up to the wall.
"So it's okay for you to cheat on my little sister?!"I shout.
"I didn't!"He says.
I dig my nails in.
"Ellie Drayton."Alisha says.
"OKAY FINE"He gags.
I squeezed harder.
Callie pulls me off him dropping to the floor.
I flick her off and proceed to continue screaming.
"WHAT THE FUCK?"I shout.
"I LOVED YOU"Alisha shouts.
"IM BORED!"He shouts.
"Jamie,shut your fucking mouth"she says.
"How about you do it."He says.
She jumps up and punches him across the face.
His lip begins to bleed.
She goes to hit him again but he grabs her and pins her to the wall.
"Don't you EVER touch me!"He snarls In her face she looks genuinely scared so I grab him pulling him backwards and throw him to the floor.
Halfway Throws me a gun.
He locks the student lounge door obviously in agreement over this.
I put the gun to Jamie's head.
"Do that to my sister again and I'll put a whole straight through your brain."I say.
I press the trigger as it had no bullets in and it clicks and he jumps.
"Next time it'll be loaded"I whisper in his ear.
I get up and hand the gun back to Halfway.
Callie is in literal shock.
As for Alisha I'd never seen her be that brave.
She was still shook.
"Fucking bitches anyway the pair of you"Jamie says going to walk out.
Halfway grabs him using all his strength and beats him to the floor,Jamie fights back by punching him in the stomach where the bullet hit,Halfway fell backwards but I caught him before his head hit the floor.
Alisha gets up and throws Jamie over the table.
She decks him hard and throws him out the door.
I put halfway back on the chair.
My lip was bleeding a little.
Callie was just shook af.
"What?"I say breaking her out of her trance.
"The fuck"she says.
"Told You id hold a gun to someone's head."I reply smirking.
Halfway chuckles.
"On that note"Callie says walking out.

Back at home.
I walked in the door with Alisha and Halfway.
Jamie was with a girl.
Alisha walks over.
"Who are you?"Alisha says.
"His girlfriend."The girl replies.
"Since when?"Alisha says.
Jamie motions to the girl.
"Since last month"She says narrowing her eyes,Jamie sighs.
Alisha punches Jamie causing him to bleed.
"He pretty much broke up with me this afternoon"Alisha says to the girl.
"We can confirm that cause I pointed a gun to his head"I reply raising my hand.
The girl full force slaps Jamie.
Halfway tries to kick him out but Jamie aims for his stomach again and boots him full force.
I grab Jamie and kick him in the balls and throw him out.
I pick Halfway up.
"Wassup with you?"The girl says.
"I got shot"Halfway replies flinching as I pull him up.
"What's you're name"Alisha's says to the girl.
"Ellie"She replies.
"Yeah I guessed"Alisha says.
They both Laugh.

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