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"I think we should all have a talk about shit like we was in the car now that Lucas and Kyle have gone to bed"Victoria says.
I roll my eyes and look at Christopher.
"What like confessions?"Cameron says.
"Yeah"She says.
"I'm down"Ryan says.
"I wanna hear more about Dani and Chris."Alisha says.
I snigger and Halfway tenses.
"Hmmmm exactly how many times were you fucking near me"Victoria says.
"Like 8-9 times or more"Chris says.
"Do you remember we all went to London for that school trip and Dominic Drove there"Chris says.
"Oh shit....WAIT You Weren't even a thing Then"She says.
"Yeah but there was something there"he says.
She shakes her head grossed out.
"I wanna know how you and Tyler became a thing."Ryan says.
"He was being a big man and defended me when Tommy was being rude about the south side,He then gets a punch and we have conversation."I say.
"Yeah then you smirked at me and I melted"He says.
I laugh.
"Anyway a few weeks later I decide that I'm gonna be brave and we end up making out in a classroom"I say.
Alisha laughs.
"Shit"Ryan says.
"Okay my turn Ryan how did you and Victoria end up making out?"I say.
Christopher shoots a stare at Ryan.
"Um a party"He says.
"Do you remember that huge fight they had"Halfway laughs.
"What when he threw a book at me"Victoria says.
Ryan gets up and backs up Christopher starts walking toward him and Christopher is a bit bigger than Ryan.
Ryan starts running and Christopher chases him.
"Two down Five to go"Alisha says.
"They'll be back,Ryan will have a smashed up face,but they'll be back"Victoria says.
The door opens.
Lucas steps around.
"Why aren't you in bed"I say picking him up.
"Kyle is crying"he says.
Christopher strolls around the corner.
He sees Lucas and runs over.
"Is He Okay?"He says.
"Yeah,Halfway Kyles crying Lucas said"I say.
Halfway gets up and runs upstairs.
"Hey can you hold Lucas a second see if he falls back to sleep"I say handing him to Chris.
I run after Halfway.
"Daddy Chris there"Victoria says.
"Literally"Alisha says.
"Hey Little man"I smile at him.
"Why's he crying?"I whisper.
Halfway closed the door.
"He says he misses Anthony."Halfway says the cute smile drained from his face.
I hug him.
"You'll have to tell him when he's old enough"I say.
"I know"he says.
We go back out and Christopher is sat with Lucas asleep in his arms.
"Can I put him down?"He says.
"Yeah"I say following him cause I don't fully trust him.
He puts Lucas in his bed.
"Who would've thought we would have created him"He says.
I just smile.
"I'm sorry"he says.
"I said it was okay"I say.
He hugs me.
"What's this for"I laugh.
"For still forgiving me after all this shit"he says.
"Least I could do,now we should go back."I say walking down.
I sit next to Halfway.
"No thank you is what I should've said I should be in bed."Victoria says.
"But temptations of trouble on my tongue,trouble yet to come"Ryan says.
"One sip,Bad for me"Cameron goes.
"One hit,Bad for me"Halfway says and I just narrow my eyebrows.
"One kiss Bad for me"Christopher says looking at me.
"But I give in so easily"Alisha says.
"And No thank you is how it should've gone,I should stay strong"Victoria says.
Ryan puts music on and then I realise what it is.
"BUT IM WEAK,AND WHATS WRONG WITH THAT?"Alisha and Victoria sing.
"No thank you,they call me after dark,I don't want no part,My Habits,they hold me like grudge,I promis I won't budge"Christopher says.
We sing the rest of the song and just sit down for a while talking nonesense.
Halfway nearly passed out and went to bed.
Alisha swanned off with Cameron.
Victoria was arguing with Ryan outside.
I'm was lay on the floor staring at the ceiling.
Christopher was sat against the wall next to me.
"Why do you do that?"He says.
"Do what?"I say.
"Lay Down and stare at the ceiling or sky you used to do it years ago as well."He says.
"Clears my head"I say.
"From what?"He says.
"Everything"I say.
"You're drunk"He says.
Indeed I was.
"Exactly why is doing this"I say.
"So am I though"he says burping after.
I sit up next to him.
"Can I say something."He says.
"Yup"I say rolling the beer bottle across the floor.
"I loved you"He says.
"You're drunk"I laugh.
"No I did"he says burping.
I look at him.
"I'm serious"he says in between burps.
He just stops and stares at me for a second.
I stare back.
Without either of us realising we started kissing.
From there and on I didn't remember anything.
I wake up lay on the sofa.
Christopher is on the floor.
Victoria was asleep on the other couch.
I see Ryan just staring.
"What?"I say.
"I saved your relationship"he says.
"What?"I say.
"You and him,you were gonna have sex Dani"Ryan says.
"Fuck did we?"i say.
"No."He says.
I sigh in relief.
"Just made out a lot"Ryan says.
"Who made out a lot"Christopher says waking up.
"Us"I say smacking him on the back of the head.
"Nice"He says.
"Incase you're forgetting I'm married you cunt!"I say

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