Those Drunken Nights.

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"I'm serious you're not attractive"I say to Anthony.
"Seriously?"He says leaning round the door.
"No maybe too others but not me."I say.
He walks over.
"This is not attractive"he motions to himself.
"No"I laugh.
He inches to my face.
"Really?"He says slowly.
His eyes were like Tyler's.
He tries to kiss me but I push him back.
"Nope"I say backing up.
"I'm sorry!"He says holding his head.
I shake my head.
"Please don't tell him"he says.
"Fine just don't try anything else with any of us"I say.
"Yeah"He says.
"I'm serious try anything and I will not only beat you I will tell him"I say.
"Yeah I got you"He says.
We go back out and I feel slightly awkward now.
Halfway put his arm round me.
I leant on him and carried on drinking.
After an hour I was a bit tipsy.
"You wanna go bed?"Halfway says.
I nod.
"Yo we are gonna hit the hay Anthony you got the guest room,see you in the morning children."Halfway says.
"Use a condom!"Victoria shouts as we go upstairs.
"Take your own advice."I shout back.
"TOUCHÉ"she replies.
"She's a cheeky bitch"I laugh.
"Well I mean it was good advice"He said.
"Birth Control"I say.
"Okay Jesus"He replies.
"You been on that since we got together?"He laughed.
"Since after the first time"I said.
"It's like you knew"He chuckles.
He lay on the bed next to me playing on his phone.
We were just watching stupid videos.
After about half an hour my phone vibrates.
"That you?"Halfway says.
"Yeah it's Alisha?"I say.
"Jesus why don't she just walk upstairs"he says.
"I know imma say that"I reply.
"Come up stairs"I text back.
She runs in laughing.
"What?"I say.
Halfway comes out the bathroom.
"Victoria,Ryan And Anthony all just came up here together"She says laughing.
"Ew"Halfway said.
There was a repetitive smash against the wall after about 5 minutes.
Alisha just looked up from her phone.
"Oh my god are the three of them?"Alisha said.
"I don't know should we check?"Halfway said.
I shrug.
"Oh my god yes"She laughed.
I roll my eyes and get up.
We creep around the hallway and open the door.
"Ew I can hear her"Alisha said.
We all look and the three of them are straight up fucking,both ends.
"EW MY FUCKING EYES!"Alisha says.
The three look up and rapidly get dressed.
"OH SHIT"Halfway said sprinting.
"WAIT"I shout followed by Alisha We leg it round the hall and into our room and lock it.
The three banged on the door drunk.
"When you get out here I will batter you!"Anthony shouted.
"YOU CUNTS"Ryan screamed.
Victoria was the one banging.
After an hour of the screaming they left but Alisha didn't leave cause she didn't want Victoria to kill her.
We went to sleep.
In the morning Alisha was still in our room.
Halfway and her were still asleep so I had an amazing idea.
"OH MY GOD MY HEAD IS CELLO TAPED TO A PILLOW!!!!"I shout really loud.
Alisha falls off the end of the bed.
And Halfway has a mini heart attack.
Alisha gets up and leaves.
"NOPE"Alisha shouts and you could hear her run.
"Babe"Halfway said.
"Yeah?"I say turning to him.
"I wanna get married"he says.
"When?"I say.
"A soon as"He replies.
"Make a date then I don't know what to do?"I say.
"You gotta help i want a proper wedding."He says.
"So do i,I just don't know what to do when it comes to that."I say.
3 hours later.
"I have an idea."Halfway said scaring the shit out of me.
"Yeah?"i said.
"How about we go to a registry office,get married there,then we can go on holiday somewhere instead all of us me,you,your sister,your brother,Cameron and Victoria"He said.
"Sounds good"I smiled.
"Where do you wanna go?"He said.
"I don't know to be honest"I reply.
"What about Barcelona?"He says.
"Yeah"I said.
"Okay"He said.
"Tomorrow we can go to the registry if you want?"He said.
"Yeah sure"I said.
"Then I'll book a trip for us."He said.
"Sounds cool"I said.
"You okay?"He said.
"I am fine"I said smiling.
"I'm excited"he said.
"Your such a girl"I laughed.
2 hours later 7pm.
The sun was setting.
"Dani"Halfway said.
"Where you at?"I said turning around.
"Here"He said.
He was Down on one knee with a ring and he had his one that I got him a year ago.
"Danielle Connerly Edwards,will you do me the pleasure of marrying me."He said.
"Yes!"I said.
We were sat on the edge of the roof.
"I can't believe I get to call you my wife tomorrow"He said.
"Who's taking whos surname?"I said.
"I don't know do you wanna be a Reynolds?"I laughed.
"I mean there's nothing left of my family apart from my mum so I guess"I say.
"Just means you share Anthony's surname"He says.
I roll my eyes.
"Stop rolling your eyes they'll get stuck."He says.
I slap his arm.
"Sorry"He says.
I pull him toward me and start kissing him.

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