Noahs Loud Ending Pt.2

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The officers grabbed him as he resisted arrest.
"He raped the girl out there"Fletch shouted.
I ran out.
"That girl?"The officer said.
"Yeah I'm guessing you wanna question her?"I said.
"It would be wise"he said.
"You mind if I follow you down I'm her boyfriend"I said.
"You bring her down she seems upset."he said pointing.
I ran over hugging her.
"We need to go the police"I said.
She nodded.
We drove down.

"So Miss Edwards?Is it true what they said?"the officer asked.
I nodded I wasn't ready to speak.
"Okay we will get a female officer to check your bruises etc."he said.
I stayed seated.
"Danielle?"A woman said.
"I'm Sadie,you're boyfriend can come with you if you want"she said.
I nodded.
He got up.
"Sir Wait here while I examine her"She said.
"Will do"he said.
40 minutes later.
"I'll send these through,and the dna sample and if it comes back as his dna there will most likely be a hearing."she said.

1 week later.
Tyler's PoV:
She still didn't want any physical contact and I don't blame her.
"Hey there's a letter here for you"I said handing it to her.
She read it.
"There's a court date the dna must've come back positive"she said.
"When is it?"I said.
"12th March,my birthday"she said.
"Hey it's okay."I said.
"I'll be with you."I continued.

Fast forward too March 12th.
"Hey" I said poking my head round the door.
"Hi...."she said.
"You ready to put that dick in prison"I said.
"Yeah"she replies.
"You're still you"I said standing behind her as she looked at her scars in the mirror.
"Am I though"she said.
"To me you always are happy birthday beautiful."I said.
"Now lets kick his into his jail cell okay?"I said hugging her.
"Okay"she said.

*at the court*
"So Mr.Thomas."the judge said.
He looked up.
"What?"He snarled.
"You seem to have gotten yourself into some trouble."the judge said.
"Yeah Yeah get on with it"Noah said.
"Mrs.Aster,can you present evidence that can prove Mr.Thomas is guilty."the judge said.
"Not only can I provide photos but also a semen sample that matches Noah's DNA,Also id like to ask Tyler and Danielle to present a statement on Mr.Thomas' action throughout the past few months including and incident from when Miss.Edwards was 14."She said.
She handed the photos to him.
And the DNA sample.
"Okay,This is definitely real,But id still like to hear Miss.Edwards and Mr.Reynolds views."He said.
"Is it okay if I go first"Tyler said.
I looked up at him.
He just smiled and held my hand.
"Don't worry okay"he whispered.
He walked up to the stand.
"Mr.Reynolds,Can you describe Mr.Thomas' behaviour over the period of time you've been in a relationship with Miss.Edwards?"The judge said.
"I can sir"he said.
"And do you swear on the bible that everything you say is the truth?"He said.
"I swear I will state the truth the only truth and nothing but the truth"Tyler said.
"TWAT"Noah shouted.
"MR.THOMAS"The judge shouted.
"Please begin,What was your first impression on Noah?"The judge said.
"At first naturally I didn't have a clue that Danielle had dated him until she told me."Tyler said.
"Go on"The Judge said.
"When he found out about me and Danielle,Forgive me for this but he turned into a somewhat jealous ex boyfriend,at the time I didn't have a clue about their past,So I just got on with it no matter how much he got in the way."Tyler said.
"Carry on"The judge said.
"Once I had actually had an encounter with him I found him very aggressive and up his own butt basically"Tyler said.
"Aggressive?"The Judge said.
"He has squared up to me multiple times,and there is a Court hearing next week for when he viciously attacked me"he said.
"Thank you Mr.Reynolds,Miss.Edwards if you'd please."He said.
I got up.
"Miss Reynolds can you describe Mr.Thomas' behaviour over the years toward you?"The judge asked.
"Y-Yeah,When we were 14-17 I was in a relationship with him,it ended after he tried forcing himself on me,he said I Was too slow"I said.
"And since you saw him again?"the judge said.
"The next time I saw him I was walking into school with Tyler when I was 18,he slammed the lockers trying to scare me in the Hall"I said.
"And after?"He said.
"There was many disagreements including a dispute with my brother where he tried to punch him,my brothers huge though,and as Tyler said he attacked him and I stopped him,and then He did that."I said.
"What exactly is 'That' Miss Reynolds."The Judge said.
"After that he......he......he raped me"I said tears filling my eyes as I played flashbacks.
"Thank you Miss Reynolds you may take a seat."he said.
There was a short silence.
"The Jury Will now go and decide the verdict."he said.
We sat for at least 40 minutes before they came back out.
"Have you decided?"The Judge said.
"Yes we have"The guy said.
"Mr.Thomas Again how do you plead?"He said.
Noah smirked at me.
"Not Guilty"He lies.
"Jury,Guilty or not guilty?"The Judge said.
I closed my eyes.
"We find the Accused"The Guy said.
We sat eyes closed.
"Guilty"They said.
I opened my eyes.
Noah snarled at me.
"Mr.Thomas I sentence you too 7 years for the rape of Danielle Edwards,And 3 years for The vicious attack on Mr.Reynolds,Also another year for perverting the cause of justice,take him away"The Judge said.
"Will she cupcake?"Tyler said.
"YOU TOO SNAKE"Noah shouted.
"Shut up"Tyler shouted.
We got outside the courts.
"I can't believe we won"He said.
"Neither can I."I said.
"Now do you wanna resume As we were,I know it'll take time for you but I'm guessing they held you back this year?"He said.
"Yup?"I said.
"Good cause I couldn't do my year without you"He lAughed.
I giggled holding his hand.

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