Chapter 1: The Beginning

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     "(Y/N), can you promise me something?" The fairy next to me asked.

     "Of course Harlequin!" I looked at him with a smile on my face.

     "Promise me that we'll be together forever." My smile faded, Is he serious?

    "That will be hard to do, but Yeah!" a smile back on my face my (F/C) and white wings fluttering happily behind me, "Can I ask why?" a light crimson tinted his cheeks,

     "Because I-I love you (Y/N)"

You said that you loved me hundreds of years ago, What changed?

The humans came, there was blood and screams all around me, and Harlequin was nowhere to be seen. I tried to run but a human caught me, beginning to slowly tear my wings off of my back, I screamed as loud as I could. A small part of me hoping that Harlequin would hear and come to save me, Even if Helbram came to my rescue I would be happy,

B U T   N O  B O D Y  C A M E

They left me on the ground to die of blood loss, but something kept me alive, a crimson mark appeared on the back of my hand of a howling wolf with a heart in the middle, I became the wolf sin of regret.

TIME SKIP brought to you by Diane beating the Schist out of Meliodas for being a perv!

     I walked next to the "wandering rust knight" humans thinking that this person is Gowther, we walked into this tavern the customers running out screaming, Elizabeth collapsed on the floor.          "Hey captain," I said to the owner, the kid looked an awful lot like Meliodas.

     "Yo (Y/N), what's it been, 10 years?"

     "So after she wakes up who are we looking for first?" I asked the smol man.

     "I was thinking we could go after Diane first,"

     "Are you sure about that, considering that you'll be traveling with two girls she's not gonna be too happy." I commented putting my arms behind my neck.

     "True, but we need to get everyone together again, there are signs of another holy war."

     "Which means more training. Great,"

     "Sarcasm noted."

TIME SKIP brought to you a very lazy author!

We got Diane and Ban back on the team and that Gilthunder fellow, he said that King was dead and in the necropolis. I don't care that he abandoned the forest I still love him with all of my being, and I know that he returns my feelings because of what he said to me a few days before my wings were taken. We were on our way to the place closest to the necropolis. We were each givin jobs in the tavern, I was the backup bartender in case Captain wasn't available to do it. Diane was the Jumbo Billboard Girl, and Ban was the master chef. I went into the bar and started getting my drink mixing skills ready, Ban ended up coming back with two kids, the younger girl looked just like Elaine Ban even called her Elaine, but she corrected him saying that her name was Ellen. She gave us some information on how to get to the necropolis without dyeing. Ban and I walked into a little dirt lot, lost in thought.

    I heard some laughing behind me. "That is so not your guys's style!" Confused at what she was talking about, I looked around, and noticed that the previously empty lot was now full of beautiful light pink flowers. 'Elaine's favorite,' I thought. Suddenly a whirl wind picked up and the petals swirled around us, when the petals parted, we were standing on an emerald green crystal walkway. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blonde hair and a flowing white dress, "Elaine?" Ban and I mumbled under our breaths simultaneously. I took off in the direction she was, and Ban followed soon after. A small bit after King stopped Ban, my wings materialized on my back, I flew towards Elaine.

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