Chapter 3: Really? Guila's back?

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

"AH-FUCK-AH YOUUU!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, I landed and kicked him in the stomach sending Howzer flying out of the ring. 

"HOWZER IS OUT OF THE RING BY DEFAULT LUNA IS THE WINNER!" LoveHelm called. I jumped out of the ring, and walked over to Howzer and put my hand out to help him up. 

"You alright?" I asked with a slight laugh, he gave a smile with a small laugh back

"Just got my ass kicked that's all." he said taking my hand to heave him up. After he was back on his feet I walked over to everyone else. Baskiask trying to drape it's self over my head. Baskiask was in it's blanket form a light green blanket with darker green stripes. So now it was Meliodas and Bans turn. They got onto opposite side's of the ring. 

"Hey hey hey, no weapons allowed!" LoveHelm stopped the capt'n, he unsheathed his sword,

"It's just for show!" he said with a smile on his face. Capt'n re-sheathed his sword, and the fight begun,  with a huge punch to Ban's face, Ban launched back at Mel, delivering a barrage of punches Mel blocking all of them with his arms. Captain's energy seemed like it wasn't going to stagger anytime soon, but he started to slow down, and Ban's skyrocketed. Ban jumped into the air after casting fox hunt, his magical ability. Landing a punch on the captain's stomach, but before the dust cleared I swear I saw Ban's body flying out of the ring. The dust settled and Captain stood in the center, 

"So I saw right. It was Ban who got knocked out of the ring." I said,

"You were able to see that?!" King asked confused, turning towards me,


"Alright everyone! Will Matrona and Luna come up to the ring!" LoveHelm called. I held my hand up high for Diane for a  good luck high five. She accepted the high five. We climbed up onto the ring. "BEGIN!" I ran at her at a blurring speed, attacking with a barrage of kicks and punches,

"HEAVY METAL!" Diane shouted, and her skin turned a shiny grey. I poked her eyes, making her break her focus, and used the opening to kick her with incredible force sending her flying out of the ring. 

"LUNA IS THE WINNER!" LoveHelm called.

"Strange, I took less damage than I thought I would in fact none at all. My clothes are ripped but there isn't a scratch on me." I mumbled confused, eyebrows furrowing together.

"Hey Luna! Kick Damien's ass for me!" I heard Diane shout. I ran at him at full speed, and tried to smack him with a kick, he blocked and we stayed like that for a moment or two, before we slowly broke that stance. The others came up to the platform,

"WE ARE THE EIGHT DEADLY SINS! AND I AM THE CAPTAIN MELIODAS! AND WE ARE TAKING OVER THIS TOWN! SO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE RIGHT NOW!" The captain shouted, the crowd started to murmur among themselves, "GET GOING!!"  he once again shouted urgency in his voice. Everyone was screaming and running to evacuate the city. An explosion went off somewhere in the city, 

"Damn, their here already!?" Mel yelled confused, "I thought we had more time! KING, (Y/N)! I NEED YOU TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERYONE GETS EVACUATED SAFELY!"

"Right!" King and I called to him. He and I flew off, spreading away from each other  across the the city. 

"Spirit spear Baskiask second configuration, Guardian," The blanket molded into a green striped wolf with tan button eyes. I used him to protect the people evacuating the city, every now and then Baskiask would get hit and I would spit up some blood. Unlike King, when baskiask gets hit I feel the force of the blow. I was starting to head to the captain when I was hit in the back with something burning hot, I fell to the ground, at a diagonal angle at an extremely fast speed, creating a divot in the ground I landed on. I stood back up, and I saw Guila, "Should have known that was your magic." 'She has a large amount of regret, I can sense that much,' I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I saw the cause of her regret, 

"Daddy! Please don't go! I can't take care of Zeal on my own!" a small Guila said crying, The blonde holy night bent down to look her in her eyes,

"Guila, my child, there is nothing to worry about, I'll come back to you two, I know you can care for your brother, make me proud." and with that, he got up and started to leave the small children. Alright, so she was afraid that her dad wouldn't come home. I looked further into the reason for all of her regret. Grand master Drayfus started to walk towards her home, and knocked on the door. A slightly older Guila answered the door, a three year old Zeal hiding behind her leg.

"Guila, Zeal, it is nice to see you two well. I'm sorry to tell you that your father will not be coming home." Guila's eyes were watery,

"What happened to him?" she asked, 

"He was killed. By the seven deadly sins." Once I saw the horror plastered onto her face it cut to a time with only Zeal, he was walking home with a bunch of coins when he was pushed to the ground and was robbed of all of his coins, but thanks to a small hole in the bag one dropped when the kids who beat him ran away. 'She regrets becoming a holy knight because she can't protect Zeal.' I closed my eyes once again and when I opened them I was back in-front of Guila, I jumped out of the way of one of her explosions. When I'm finding a cause for one's regret time comes to a standstill, and it doesn't resume until I come back out of it.

"Guila! It's not your fault!" I called to her,

"What's not my fault?" she asked confused,

"Your dad left and drank the demon blood for an experiment for Hendrickson! On his command he turned your father into a demon, YOUR DAD REGRETS DRINKING IT! HE REGRETS LEAVING YOU TWO!!!" I shouted to the holy knight. 

"SHUT UP!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" She shouted at me,

"I can sense when someone has regret in their hearts, I can feel his, I do not know his whereabouts heck he could be on the other side of the world and I can feel it! He has so much regret from leaving you and Zeal! DRAYFUS LIED!" she was preparing brilliant detonation, before it was released, Oslo swallowed me whole, and that's what I remembered from that day.

Word count, (including this) 1151 words

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