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(A/N) HOLY FRICK! 223 READS!?!? I did not think that my shitty ass book would get as far as 200 reads. Thank you all who read this book. (F/F)- favorite foods for anyone who doesn't know.

"Who was that girl?" Baskiask asked while we were walking up the many steps of the DWMA which I estimated to be about 888 steps, (Sorry I had to get a symmetry joke in there somewhere)

     "I have absolutely no idea." I replied.
'Maybe it's how I look weight wise.' I thought.
"Hm? What's up (Y/N)? Is something on your mind?" The striped haired male asked.
"Huh?" I said looking up from the seemingly endless steps of the school "oh yeah my legs are just killing me." I said with a closed eye smile.
'I need to be E M P T Y. Whether I want Ban's cooking or not, this is gonna suck I love Ban's cooking.'

~Time Skip~
It was late at night after Baskiask went to sleep, I was standing in the bathroom in only my underwear. The mirror showed that I was skinny, but was I thinner a thousand years ago?
'Was my face always this chubby?' I thought pulling my cheeks.
'My sides didn't have folds in them I know that. The same with my back.'
"You can do this (Y/N), you know what you have to do." I mumbled to no one "Just fill up on water and your shame." I suddenly realized what I said, "WHAT am I THINKING!? I could die if I tried that."
"I can help you. You just need to trust me, I believe that you are ready."

"This seems dangerous." I said.

"Just have faith in me. You've tried everything else, perhaps you would be wise to listen to me. The secret is to just be empty."

'Is it truly wise to listen to this thing?'

"W-What could it hurt to try?"

I started this "Diet" as the voice called it, and it was working WONDERS, but soon something wasn't right. My lips were cracking, people constantly asking if I got enough sleep. I'm hungry but where is my appetite? Through out classes I'm shivering and shaking. 'I-I'm fine, it's fine.' I told myself.

I started avoiding the sins, all of them, I only went near my weapon when it was for a mission.

Ban shouted at me from the kitchen, the sins came over to Baskiask's and my apartment "Yo (Y/N)! You want something to eat? I'm cooking!" My mouth started watering, and my stomach growled.

"N-NO! I JUST ATE!" I could just see his face. Confused and concerned. The ache in my stomach is never ending, but I convinced myself that I'm in control 'It's not at all the voice that's making me sick'. If I had known how much trouble this voice would cause me, I would have gotten help earlier, because it's so hard to stop this alone.

This condition has been getting even worse. The days have merged into a blur, it's become second nature to ignore the urges to eat and to just drink water when I became hungry. The smell of Ban making (F/F) wafted into my room and I was tempted to head out there and get a plate/bowl.

"So you want to eat? B I T E Y O U R T O U N G E."

'I don't wanna stay an embarrassment so I guess I'll just have to stomach it.'

"They don't know, what you want."

'Should I listen to this thing? Y-Yes. I should listen to it, I haven't overstepped.'

"I hope no one can tell about what I'm doing for my 'Diet'." I had set up a routine: Check arms, back, neck, thighs, suck it in and pinching my sides.

I stepped on the scale, 50.5 'This isn't right. It's too heavy. It's betraying me.' I looked in the mirror, it showed me the pretty much the size of a stick. "This mirror is lying." I mumbled to myself. "It all come's down to numbers."

It was a Friday the usual day the sins and their weapons come over for their usual hangout session and I guess that Ban was tired of me just brushing off his cooking, so he sent Elizabeth in to get me. I guess somehow she could see how little I've eaten.

"Lady (Y/N)!" she closed the door behind her, coming over to sit on my bed next to me, "When was it that you last ate?" she asked, I told her a few hours ago but she shook her head. "I'm not talking about when you last drank water. The last time you ate solid food."

"A-A month ago?" she had a look of shock etched on her face, "F-Fine! I admit I'm addicted, but the hunger feels good. How do I fix this?" I buried my face in my hands silently sobbing, "I know I could die, I've seen the statistics."
     "What would convince you to do this?" She asked,
     "T H E  V O I C E" I spoke
     "Remember to reach out for help if you can't stop something. Now come on, I'm making you eat." With that she lead me out of my room.

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been AFK for so long, I haven't had any inspiration for this, until I heard that at one point my older sister had anorexia. That inspired me to wright this chapter I'm sorry it's so short but it was based off of JadenAnimation's song Empty and know that reaching out for help doesn't make you weak. Talk to someone, and if you feel as if you can't trust the people around you with this info, talk to me. I can help. Anyway this is Azzy signing off, BYE!

A Fairy's broken heartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin