Chapter 2: You're Alive?

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~King's Pov~

"I remember most of it, but there's always been one person who stayed blurry, Beautiful wings similar to Helbram's, and and a sweet angelic voice, I told her that I love her. I really don't know who she is now," I told her. She had a look of sadness, gave a curt nod, walked to the edge of the roof, and started to fly somewhere, don't ask why I didn't even ask how she could fly.

~(Y/N)'s Pov~

I flew away from King, what he said hurt a small bit. I landed in front of Vaizel, needing to clear my head, I started to walk, not wanting anyone to know that I'm a fairy. I was walking by some buildings, when a hand came out of nowhere clamping over my mouth, and the other arm of the man wrapped around my torso, pulling me between the buildings,

"Hey sexy how 'bout we have some fun?" the man whispered in my ear, slurring his words nearly beyond comprehension.

'DAMN THIS UNIFORM!' the drunken man tried to pull my skirt down but the belt for the uniform prevented it, 'I take it back' this drunk ass man could not function or figure out how to undo my belt. He gave up on that and turned to getting my shirt off of me. I was crying by now, I heard footsteps rapidly approaching, they disappeared for a moment before the mans face collided with someones feet. The person did a back-flip off the mans face and landed in a T-pose. I collapsed, my savior ran over to me crouching on one knee.

"Are you alright?" I recognized this emotionless voice, it was the voice of another sin, Gowther, the goat sin of lust.

"G-Gowther?" I asked slightly stuttering. Recognition flashed in his eyes.

"(Y/N)?" I quickly rapped my arms around his neck, quietly sobbing in to his neck. He rapped his arms around me in return, I cried into his shoulder. I have to admit, he is just as much a big brother to me as my real big brother, (Y'all have to wait to find out who it is! I AM EVIL!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! sorry.) "Where are the others?" He asked.

"Their at the boar hat, where have you been?"

"In the cave on the other side of town, taking care of a holy knight who's been having some..... problems" We spent a bit more of the night chatting, and catching up on what the other did in the past 10 years.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Captain call.

"I better get going the others must be worrying sick," I gave him a smile and ran off waving to him and went running back to the captain.

"Hey (Y/N) where'd ya go when you took off away from King like that?" He asked when I got to him.

"Oh, I-I just needed to clear my head a bit," I told him. And started walking back to the tavern, "Also I'm going to have to request a longer skirt," I said stretching my arms behind my head.

"Could I ask why?" he asked.

"I d-don't want to talk about it," I said, and opened the door to go inside the tavern. I served a few orders before it was closing time. I walked outside and flew up into a tree and rested with my back on the trunk supported up by the branch beneath me.

"How come you sleep in a tree every night?" Diane asks sitting down next to the tree I was resting in.

"There's only two rooms in the tavern, so it would either be sleeping in a room with both Ban and King, or sleep in the same room as our perv of a captain. So, I picked to sleep outside," I said resting my head on my hands which I put on the trunk behind my head. It wasn't long before my face was covered by a cloth that was thrown onto my face,

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