Chapter 4: Where are we?

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Darkness, that's all I saw, but then a small light was out in the distance. I started to walk towards it, the small ball of light got bigger and bigger, until I got close enough to see that it was a smallish yellow four sided star. I reached my hand out and touched it, I know, probably a bad idea considering that stars are supposed to be extremely hot. Yet not this one, it was pleasantly warm. The star disappeared, and I woke up. I was laying on my stomach in front of an oddly symmetrical building, I sat up, and looked around, I saw everybody else there, Ban, King, Elizabeth, Gowther, Escanor, Merlin, small Diane, and Meliodas, and eight (SYMMETRY) other people. But only one caught my eye, his hair was like baskiask in it's blanket form, pointed ears similar to Helbram and mine, a black zip up collared jacket covering a plain white shirt, dark black jeans and (e/c) high top sneakers.

"HOW THE HELL AM I A HUMAN!" He shouted. At this point I noticed I was in different clothes. I was wearing a jet black long jacket that went down to at least my ankles, a white dress shirt with a (F/C) and (S/F/C) tie, I had combat boots on and a plaid (F/C) skirt.

"Hey Hey Hey!" A goofy voice said near me, I looked towards it, and a black mass with a pointy skull mask was there,

"What the fuck?" I mumbled wide eyed, he chopped my head hard with a comically large white gloved hand, so hard that it started to bleed a miniature fountain, I held my head, "JESUS WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed,

"Language!" he yelled and did it again,

"That's gonna leave a bruise," I mumbled. And he did it for a third time, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ONE FOR!"

"The curse in it," at this point everyone was standing up, aside from me, I was still holding my head in pain,

"I SAID THAT'S GONNA LEAVE A BRUISE! WHERE IN THAT SENTENCE IS THERE A CURSE!" Ban walked up to us, standing in between us,

"Leave her alone," He said simply,

"Ah Ban the fox sin of greed, framed for the death of Elaine, the holy woman of the fountain of youth, when in actuality you were trying to protect her from the red demon that burnt the fairy king's forest to a crisp," a new voice said, I turned to the side to see a boy in a black and white suit with the same skull as the one who KEPT CHOPPING ME ON THE HEAD on the collar of the undershirt. This boy had black hair with three white stripes on the left and a stray piece of hair on the right. As well as mesmerizing yellow eyes. He looked constantly bored.

"Who are you?" I asked, rubbing my head,

"The name is Death the kid, Kid for short." he said,

"And who are you?" I asked the black mass angrily.

"I am Death." ban started laughing hysterically he sort of crouched down and pointed his finger at death (U know when characters in anime suddenly stand next to someone and the other person is all surprised and "HOW DID YOU GET THERE!" that's Ban)

"I DEFY YOU! I AM MOTHER-FUCKING IMMORTAL!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. Kid shot at ban with a gun pulling the trigger with his pinkie and a similar gun in the other hand, making Ban explode,

"There he shouldn't bother us anymore." he said,

"Just wait a few minutes." I said chin resting in the palm of my hand elbow on my knee, "Anyway where are we?" I asked,

"You are at the D.W.M.A, Death weapon and meister academy, your black hound friend Oslo informed me that he was sending you here to get stronger," Death said, "So I am enrolling all of you as students!"


"Told you." I said bored, Death chopped me in the head again, "DO YOU HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST ME RIGHT NOW OR SOMETHING!"

"No he would rather reaper chop you to get you to stop talking," Kid said,

"Great I might have a major concussion now," I said, Death went to do it again but Baskiask in it's guardian form took the blow in the stomach, I spit up blood. I stood away from Death Baskiask following, "If you're going to keep reaper chopping me, then FIGHT ME!" I shouted, "and don't hold back." a man with red hair walked up with his hands in his pockets. He had black pants and jacket, a barf green dress shirt and a cross shaped tie.

"Spirit," Death mumbled.

"You called sir?" He said,

"Yes Death scythe, this student is getting on my nerves and just challenged me to a fight, and told me not to hold back." The man started to glow and became a scythe with a cross shaped handle. Death took hold of his handle and was ready to attack, I flew up into the sky and Death came at me, swinging death scythe, I blocked it with death thorn,

"Spirit spear Bakiask fourth configuration, Increase," I snapped my fingers and Baskiask turned into nearly a million small spears, and cut death in many places, I yawned and stretched,"Alright, I think I'm about warmed up now," Death was sprawled on the ground,

"Done already? Well that's a shame." I landed and saw four more people at the entrance to the school. Awe struck. One was a dirty blonde haired girl with pigtails, a white spiky haired boy with red eyes, a short spiked blue haired boy, and a black haired girl with her long hair in a pony-tail on the top of her head.

"HOW DID SHE BEAT HIM SO EASILY!" the blue haired boy shouted, the blonde closed her eyes and opened them again, they were purely light green with a black pupil. She looked confused,

"She and her weapon have been together for nine hundred years?" She suddenly looked very afraid, and mumbled something about my soul to the others. They all looked afraid all but the one with the blue hair,

"I THE ALL MIGHTY BLACKSTAR WILL TAKE HER SOUL!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, "YOU MAY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DEFEAT DEATH BUT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DEFEAT A BIGGER GOD!" he shouted pointing a finger at me. "Tsubaki smoke bomb mode." he actually said instead of shouting.

"Right," the black haired girl said and suddenly the area was covered in a veil of smoke, 'Assassin's rule number one silence, devolve in the shadows and erase your breath,' I flew up above the smoke, and he struck where I was standing with a chain scythe,

"What the!" He shouted confused,

"Death thorn" I mumbled, and it grazed his leg causing blood to spurt out. "To hide from me you must conceal your body as well as your mind," Elizabeth walked up to him and healed his wound,

"What are all you people?" He questioned,

"We are not from this world so some of our species might not sound familiar." She pointed to all of us saying our species. Elizabeth being a druid.

"But there's more in her soul," The blonde said pointing to me,

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said utterly confused.

"Well we can worry about that later. For now let's get you all your first mission," Death said, bouncing into the school. I started to read the mind of the blonde, my (E/C) eyes slightly glowing.

'Her soul has demon in it, should I tell her comrades? No, I'll let them figure it out on their own.' We got to a board of some sort and the others started to look at them.

"Something that'll at the least challenge me a bit." I said to Baskiask. He looked at each of them for a bit. 

"What about that one?" he asked pointing to one that said, 'Black dragon'

"That thing's still alive?" Kid mumbled,

"Afraid so kiddo, sorry. Oh also that's a four star meister mission, you might not be able to handle it." Death said,

"I beat you with one shot, I think I'm well above a four star." I said accepting the mission.

"So Maka, are we going to take a mission too?" The white haired boy asked the blonde girl who's name was apparently Maka.

"I'm already on it Soul." She replied to him.

"I'm gonna get going." I said Baskiask following. I took flight as soon as I stepped out of the building, my weapon bursting into flight as well. 'Don't worry Harlequin, I'll make you remember who I am if it's the last thing I do.'


Word count (including this): 1469 words

A Fairy's broken heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora