Chapter 11 - Seek and You Shall Find Him

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Chapter 11 - Seek and You Shall Find Him

Eric entered the sleeping chamber he shared with Pam. The windows in this room had been sealed and blocked off from the sun, making the need for coffins unnecessary. However, he did have Alcide load their travel pods into the back of his truck in case of an emergency.

Two queen size beds set across from each other in the center of the large suite. Pam was lying in the bed on the right. Eric walked to the edge of the bed and stared down at his progeny. She lay listless with her hands crossed over her stomach. Her head rested on a pink satin pillow like a beautiful corpse made up for a funeral viewing. He sat down beside her, feeling a deep fondness and respect for his beloved child.

"You are my only legacy. The one thing I've done on this earth that I can be truly proud of."

He smoothed the silky blonde tresses that splayed over her narrow shoulders then bent to place a soft kiss on her forehead. She didn't stir from her restful state. Only vampires of advanced age could truly stay awake after dawn. Though he or she would become weak and suffer from headaches and the bleeds.

A lethargic feeling seeped into his bones, letting him know the sun was rising over the horizon. He crawled into his own bed to lie on his back. Closing his eyes, he thought of his time as a young man when most of his kinsmen were already wedded with a brood to carry on their lineage. His father, the Viking king, had been after him to stop his philandering ways and find a wife to bear him an heir of his own. Eric, being both stubborn and too free-spirited, rebelled, bedding every young maiden and busty servant he could find. When a wench did claim to have born his seed, Eric would refuse to acknowledge her or her bastard child. In his selfish arrogance, he only sought carnal pleasure from the flesh and saw no joy in the fruit it could bear him.

Since becoming a maker, he realized how foolish he had been. He'd missed out on so much during his human life. Having an heir in likeness of himself, one to whom he could pass on his human genetic code and the greatness of his royal Viking bloodline. An infant he could have held in his arms and watched grow and learn... and loved. Of course, he deeply loved Pam, but he knew it was not the same as having a child produced from his own loins. He desperately wanted that. He wanted it with Tara, but he knew he was wishing for the impossible.

Eric stood in the dark shadows under an enormous oak tree. Strangely, it was enough to protect him from the hot sun rays that threatened to scorch the skin from his bones. Beyond the trees, there was a wide meadow, filled with colorful wildflowers. He longed to leave the protection of the tree to run and play in the sun, same as when he was a child playing on the shores of the North Sea. He hadn't felt this type of longing for the sun since the day Sookie and Alcide found him swimming in the pond while under the intoxicating influence of fairy blood.

He heard a child's laughter in the distance. Its joyous giggles sounded like wind chimes to his ears. The laughter drew closer until he saw a little boy standing a few feet away, wearing a white tunic. He looked to be about two or three years old with golden brown skin, wild sandy blond curls, and the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen on a human. He wanted to go to the boy and ask his name. What was he doing here alone? Where were his parents? The boy waved to him, beckoning him to come forward.

Tempted, Eric moved closer to the edge of the shadow. He could feel the heat rising on his skin as he lifted his hand and held it out to the sun. His hand began to sizzle before he snatched it back to his side. He looked beyond the boy and realized they were not alone. Something or someone was coming towards them. The sound of its heavy footsteps echoed in his ears.

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