1 /// so, we danced. /// Fluff

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(its always y/n's pov unless told otherwise)

I let energetic music fill my ears as i walk down the street, trying to lower my anxiety by emptying my mind.

Im walking to asra's, house.
He did offer to come pick me up, but i declined, being in a car with him would make my anxiety much worse, which i cant handle.

You see, im fine around some people, my anxiety isnt that bad when it comes to my other close friends.

However asra, asra is different.
Ive been noticing things about him differently recently.
whenever im around him im hyperventillating, and my face feels hot.

I put my hand under my shirt and feel my chest while walking up his driveway, my heart is pounding as usual.

I sigh deeply, hoping i wont mess anything up today.

Im infront of his door before i know it, staring anxiously at the red wood.

I exhale deeply while reaching for the knob, stepping inside and closing the door behind me, letting my black bookbag slide off of my shoulder, placing it down against the wall.

"Asra? im ho-here!" i yell nervously from the doorway, hoping he doesn't notice the fact that i almost said 'im home'.

"Your home! im in my room." he yells.
i step away from the doorway, turning left and walking down the hallway.

i giggle a bit "You say that like we live together" i say, walking towards his room.

I stop in the doorway for a split-second, admiring him. He was sitting down on his bed in a silk robe which i havent seen him in before. The top is partially transparent, gold lining the edges of the entire robe.
His face is looking down at his phone, which is illuminating the features of his face.
I suddenly realize i forgot to breathe.

I walk towards the other end of the bed.
"Sometimes i wish we were."
he says as I sit down, my breath catches in my throat as a move myself back, sitting next to him.

My heart is beating fast, i look down, fidgeting with my hands, i manage to stutter out a quiet.
"I- I do too some-sometimes."
the minute i close my mouth i feel anxiety growing inside of me, but he just turns his head and looks at me with a warm smile that makes my heart soar.
However, i continue looking down, refusing to meet his gaze.

He glances towards his TV, and then back at me.
"Do you want to watch some youtube on my TV? I can make breakfast." He asks.

I feel my stomach gurgle at the thought of asra's breakfast, I haven't eaten in a while and he's honestly a great cook, but i wouldn't want to make him do anything.
"Oh, uh, you dont have- have to-"
i start, but he cuts me off.
"Please y/n, let me make you breakfast, you can do whatever while you're waiting, ill be in the kitchen." He says, i want to protest, but he seems like he genuinely wants to cook for me, which makes my stomach feel weird.

Once he's left the room, I feel my nervousness lowering. I stand up and head out his room, towards the bathroom.

Asra seems off today, like he knows something he isnt supposed too.
The only person i talked to about my issue is Faust, and i know for a fact she'd be in the bathroom.

I walk in the bathroom, and sure enough, Faust is hanging from the shower rail, she turns her head to look at me.
"Friend!" she says excitedly.
I close the door and lock it behind me, then walk up to Faust, trying to be intimidating.
"Don't you friend me, did you tell him?" i say quietly.
She just turns her head to the side curiously, i sigh and get closer so im whispering.
"Did you tell Asra i.. l-love him..?"
I was still trying to be intimidating, but failed miserably, my face flushing on the last three words.
She just nods her head up and down.
"Faust!" i say, now extremely anxious, suprised im not crying by now.

Arcana x reader oneshots (99% asra)Where stories live. Discover now