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"ugh, i'm honestly so tired," trinity slumped over. after last night's antics, she found out she had alcohol poisoning which was weird because the most she had was about five shots and it was some cheap liquor provided at the kickback and not her usual dark liquor.

"i told you about partying back to back," her mother scolded, handing her the cup of cold water and a slice of dry bread. her mom was the one to pick her up. when she first got there, a young man trying to get trinity into his car, but diamond was trying to stop him. that's when momma threatened to call the cops if he didn't listen to diamond. "i also told you about talking to random people. what if i didn't make it in time and that boy was gone with you? then what?"

"momma," trinity smacked her lips, "he was just going to bring me back home," she told her for the third time.

"if he wasn't listening to diamond when she told him to stop, do you think he would listen to you? i honestly think that boy drugged your stupid ass," momma said.

"can we not talk about this no more please," she politely waved her mother off, turning her back towards the door and closing her eyes to show her mom she didn't want to be bothered anymore. once she heard the door shut, she sighed and turned back around.

trinity didn't want to believe it, but there was a fifty/fifty chance giovanny did slip something into her drink. he tried to feed her shot after shot, but she refused after the fifth one. around the third shot she had already felt sick.

all she could remember was falling asleep on diamonds shoulder for a bit and then having the urge to vomit. luckily diamond sensed this and rushed her to the bathroom before she created a mess on some randoms floor.

after that, it was all a blur.



"are you okay? i've been trying to contact you all damn morning," brandon wasted no time in grilling trinity, a worried expression on his face as the camera fully connected.

"i'm fine baby," trinity sighed. her head was full and she was in no mood to be yelled at. she was potentially drugged, the last thing she wants it to feel like it was her fault. "i'm sure diamond told you already, but i've been sleep all morning," she told him.

"what even happened?"

"i honestly can't remember. i just know i could've been drugged, but for now we are just gonna' say i got alcohol poisoning," she said.

"by who? was it a guy?" he was own head was full of questions.

"i met this guy at a christmas party and he was cool company. he invited me to a kickback, but i told him i was taken. despite that, he promised he could have me and i took it as a joke. but to make sure i said i would only go if diamond came. if she wasn't there, i probably would've been raped or something," she could feel her eyes swell up with tears but she blinked them away off camera.

brandon sighed, "i'm sorry for coming at you so aggressive , but i just want to make sure you're actually okay," he said. to get things through trinity's head, you had to be straight forward.

"no, it's fine. i shouldn't have been drinking like that or taking shots from a stranger in the first place,"

"don't blame yourself baby, you like to have fun. you just need to be more cautious in those type of  situations," he cooed. "anyway i got a surprise for you,"

she couldn't help but crack a small smile, "what?"

"the times square edition is getting pretty lonely," his camera flashed around a gorgeous hotel room. then his phone flipped to the perfect veiw of time square.

"oh my fucking gosh," trinity's jaw dropped as she quickly sat up, "tell me your lying?! tell me your lying before i get my sick ass out this bed and go to that hotel and beat your ass," she threatened.

he laughed, flipping the camera just in time to show his pretty ass smile, "your mom already knows and so does nana. diamond was able to pack your best outfits and bring them here. you might as well rest now though cause' you aren't coming over yet until i finish doing what i'm doing," he said.

"oh my gosh," she was shocked. she had been in the same state as her boyfriend for god knows how long and no one even mentioned a word to her. now she's stuck with alcohol poisoning and probably ruined his plans. "i'm sorry,"

"what are you saying sorry for?" he chuckled.

"i'm sick and that probably ruined your plans," she pouted, feeling more then bad.

"no," he laughed, "if i have to sit here and hold your beautiful curls back as you throw chunks in the toilet, then i got chu' ma," he winked into the camera.

"don't ever do that again," she laughed which made him laugh. "you're so sweet," she whined. what did she do to deserve this?

"well, i suggest you rest now and let me finish up. don't worry about waking up at a specific time, i'll be over on my watch, not yours," he smirked.

"ugh," trinity groaned. "see you later,"

"see you soon,"


when i tell yall i hate
the rain. omfg, my feet
were soaked and so was
my hoodie.

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