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"i want you to call me all the, whenever you can," momma said sternly as she hugged her daughter closer. it was the first time trinity would be leaving out of new york and it was insanely different because she was going with someone who wasn't immediate family.

"of course mom," trinity rolled her eyes behind her moms back. soon after she released and momma surprisingly pulled brandon into a hug.

"same for you. you have my number now, update me on my baby whenever you can," she told brandon with a more serious tone in her voice. brandon chuckled, mumbling of course as momma let him go.

they had already put their luggage on the belt so it could be put on the plane, now they had to sit around the extra thirty minutes and wait for their flight to be called.

"alright, i'ma go back now. have fun trinity," momma grabbed her purse from the empty seat, trying to make her escape before tears filled her eyes.

"bye momma, i love you!" trinity called out, ignoring all the stares from the many random people around her.

"i love you more!" her mother called back, laughing as well. it would be heavily quiet without trinity which would take some getting used to, but trinity was excited for this trip and she was becoming an adult so that's all that mattered.

brandon sighed, taking a seat and patting his lap. trinity happily sat down on one leg and tossed her legs over his other, pressing a kiss to his temple, "i'm excited," she said aloud.

"it's just l.a," brandon shrugged.

"i never been out of ny," she said, "i would probably be in my room by now with diamond still feeling like ass,"

"well your here with me now so hush," brandon squished her face and kissed her lips. he wasn't into pda as much, but he couldn't resist kissing trinity.

"and what if i don't?" she challenged.

"you're lucky our flight is in like twenty minutes or else i'd take you in the bathroom right now," he said as a matter of fact, giving her a look to let her know he was deadass serious.

she ooh'd, "bet you won't take me in the bathroom on the plane," she rose a brow, wrapping her arms around his neck. she was all about pda. if she didn't consider his emotions, she would capture his lips in a heated kiss right now.

"bet," he smirked.

"don't make a bet you can't keep," trinity warned. she was serious. they just had sex the night before, but sex on a plane would be a new thing to experience so that was another thing to be excited about.

"i'm serious," he laughed, "we can even do a couple rounds. just to satisfy your needs," he smiled, making it all seem like some type of porn fantasy.

"stop cappin',"

"no cap,"

trinity sighed, situated comfortably in the seat of the airplane. it was cold, so she had a blanket laid out over her legs, she was short enough so it covered her feet as well. brandon was next to her, putting his phone on airplane mode as well as trinity's because her hands were to cold to function at the moment.

the flight was a good seven hours total which wasn't the longest flight ever, but it was long enough for trinity to take a quick nap and still get what brandon promised her.

even though it was just l.a to other other, it was a new ordeal to trinity. new york would always be her home and she would of course be happy to come back home whenever she gets homesick, but she wanted to explore all of l.a before she came back. including foods, stores, and the people.

after a couple minutes of shut eyes, the intercom came on and trinity could feel her heart rate speed up. this was also her first time on a plane. heights weren't exactly a problem, but she couldn't help but get butterflies.

she opened her eyes to conect ber fingers with brandon's and shut her eyes right back just so she could ease her nerves.


odd ending, but another
update later lol. i have a
couple finals over the next
two days

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