The blue raven pack (part 2)

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Nagisa's POV
It's been a couple of days since me and Karma found Kayano in the woods.Me, Karma and Kayano were eating when Karma kissed me his soft lips meeting mine.I blushed a dark crimson noticing Kayano was watching us.Karma pulled away and smirked devilishly making my blush worsen.I turned away hiding my face in my hands.

"Wow Nagi~ you snatched up a little devil here,"Kayano teased pointing to Karma

"Kayanooooo!!!"I yell stretching her name, embarrassed.

"Hmmmm,"Karma hummed in my ear making my spine chill "It's not like you don't like this little devil~"he whispered in my ear making me blush a bright red in embracement and shock

"Karma!"I yelled pouting, I hate when Karma teases me.

Time skip

"Hey do you wanna go for a run Nagisa?"Kayano asked me, her wolf tail that more looked like a bush, because of the green color and bushy nature wagged in delight.

"Sure!"I say happily

"Can I come too~"Karma said childishly,pouting

"No!"We both said in unison

"Why not?"he asks still pouting

"Because were gonna have a "girl talk","Kayano says pulling me out the door

"Don't get lost!" Karma yells right before the door closes

This is gonna be a pain
I thought as I remember Kayano's talkative manner and the way she asks so many questions, especially about my love life.

Time skip

Kayano and I changed into our wolf forms and ran together mostly chasing each other and nipping one another's ears or fur.We ran to an area that had a lot of bright green grass and the sun shown through the tree's leaves.Kayano changed back into human form and laid down on the grass soon after I did the same.

"Sooo are you and Karma mates~?"Kayano asked a small smirk spreading across her lips

"I-y-ya,"I stutter embarrassed

"How?"I ask after a couple of chuckles from the green haired girl next to me

"Well for one thing Karma and you are always together.....and you guys kiss......oh all so your scents are mixed, it's a rarity to smell the same kind of scent on two wolfs unless there mates,"Kayano says making me blush

"So uh do you know where our pack is?"I ask changing the subject

"I think it's close to the south,"Kayano said unsure

"We should go together soon,"Kayano said giving me a close-eyed smile

"Ya let's go back to camp see if we can plan some type of trip,"I said getting up off the grass

"Alright!"Kayano says cheerfully, I looked in her eyes but it made me feel.....uneasy I shook it off and changed into my wolf form ready to run toward camp

Karma's POV
I pace around thinking of Nagisa, afraid he'll get hurt or lost or even worse killed.I gave a loud sigh and started pacing again.Finding the
eerie silence deafening.

"Ya know if your going to be worried about your mate like this then why not be with him 24/7 instead of pacing,"I looked over to see Shiro he sighed and came over to me putting his hand on my shoulder stoping me from walking around any further.

"Ya but I don't want him getting tired of me so I try giving him a little space,"I pout looking away worriedly

"Hey give 'em a couple minutes and if they don't come back then we can go and find them Okay?"he asked blankly staring at me.I nod then sit down

Time skip
After a couple minutes that felt like days Nagisa Finally came back
"We're back!"I hear Nagisa yell, I ran toward him and tackled him

"Why were you gone so long did something happen!"I ramble on concern showing on my face.I hear both Nagisa and Kayano laugh and then I pout

"We're fine!"they say in unison "We just went and toke a long path so it toke longer to come back,"Nagisa says chuckling

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked

"Uh well we wanted to ask if we could plan to go and find my pack,"Nagisa says nervously

"Oh well I need to ask Koro about the plan for you to go, I think at the earliest it will be tomorrow,"I say formally, almost losing myself in that familiar alpha role.

"I Uh well you can come too...Well if you want, Karma,"Nagisa says tensely, my heart jumps

"Of course!"I say happily "I'll tell Koro and get this planed so we can leave in the morning," I say while getting ready to walk out to talk to Koro

"Thanks Karma!"Nagisa and Kayano say in unison

Nagisa gives me a peck on the cheek as I walk out the door

Time skip(Next morning)still Karma's POV

"So Koro Why are you here," I asked Koro as he walked beside me, with this goofy smile that makes me role my eyes.

"I'll only come haft way and go'd be bad if you have an invasion and I'm not there wouldn't it,"he stats while walking with me,Nagisa and Kayano

"Okay..." I say as I walk

After a couple minutes we all changed into our wolf forms and ran

Time skip(cause this chapter getting a little long)

Once we're more than haft way to Nagisa's pack Koro went back.After a couple hours Nagisa and Kayano sniffed the air and there eyes widened they ran toward the sent to see a orange-pinkish fur colored wolf looking around the forest.

Thanks for reading and thank you to the people who vote and comment on my story it makes my day anyway I'll update soon
(Sorry if there some writing mistakes it's a long chapter so I'm lazy and don't want to check any writing mistakes, if you see any pls do tell in the comments so I can fix it)

Edit(11/13/19):Don't mind the date I just want to let future or current readers know that when I finish a story I normally don't fix any mistakes but hey I've gotten a few comments about the mistakes on this chapter so I wanted to find some mistakes and fix 'um, anyway if anyone wants me to go over my old chapters and fix any mistakes I shall do that, of course it will be different from the original but not life changing.I only say this because of how long it's been and how I've improved my writing during this time so I just wanted to give you guys a heads up if I do end up fixing some things.

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