The delivery

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Nagisa's POV
It's been 8 and haft weeks so in a few days I will have the baby and I'm not going to lie I'm terrified but I'm also exited.So many feeling are bubbling up and it's really confusing but I try not to dwell on my emotions and try not to freak out.Currently I'm laying down with Karma and it's about 11:30 at night and I can't sleep.I toss and turn trying to find the right position but failing and after a couple of minutes I give up and just stay still laying on my side. I contemplate if I should just close my eyes and try and go to sleep or go and get a glass of water to try and get myself to get tired that way.At the end I just get out of bed carefully trying to not wake Karma.I slowly opened the bedroom door before carefully going down the stairs, walking toward the kitchen. I grab a cup from the cupboard and pour some warm water from the foist and drink it before sitting down. I flinch when I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, I give a shaky breath trying to calm myself but failing once I feel a more painful stabbing feeling in my stomach. I clinch my teeth before slowly getting up and carefully going back upstairs, opening the door some what roughly making a louder noise then when I got out of the room. I leaned on the wall before almost crawling to the bed and shaking Karma roughly.Finally when I got Karma to wake up once he realized what was happening he helped pick me up and he ran me to the hospital. I tensed at the chemical smell making me wanna sneeze.Karma wrapped his arms around me making my expression soften before walking to the front desk and telling them what the problem was.They told us to go to room 37 and wait there for a doctor to instruct us what to do.Once we found the room I felt a much sharper pain then before making me fall but Karma caught me swiftly and then put me on the hospital bed.After about 30 minutes a women with orange colored ears and tail, her expression seemed tired but she tried making it look cheerful.

"Hello my name is Maggie but you can call me Mag, and I'll be your instructor so, I was told your having cramps?"she questioned with a clipboard in hand ready to write something down

"Ahh yes,"I said my shoulders tensing

"Okay well your not in labor just yet it will probably take a day or two before your in labor,"she says making me calm down slightly before she started speaking again "Anyway I need....well I need you to change in to this,"she says before handing a hospital gown to Karma who gave it to me "After you change I'll tell you what will happen until your in labor before you will turn into your wolf form so you'll have an easier time during the child's birth,"she instructs in a professional voice before walking out. I gulped not liking I had to turn into my wolf form for the birth but not complaining about it either.I took of my cloths with a little help from Karma before putting on the paper like gown and sat on the bed. After I finished Karma called the doctor back and started explaining what was going to happen

"...the earliest you would be in labor would be in about 18 to 20 hours so you should get some sleep in case you have labor at that time.Now I understand that you don't know the baby's gender,"she says reminding me that me and Karma decided to wait until the baby was born before finding out the gender.

"Ahh yes we wanted it to be a surprise,"I say as I smile at Karma making him smile back

"Oh okay well I think that's it so I'll leave you too alone...if anything happens call me,"The women says before walking out the room. I sigh before getting up of the bed I was sitting on and trying to change to my wolf form. It was much more harder to turn into my wolf form while I was a couple hours or more away from giving birth but I managed to turn into my wolf form my white fur and blue strikes were somewhat visible next to the white walls of the room.I groaned before hoping on to the bed and laying down.

"We should get to sleep so you can have enough energy later,"Karma said as you laid next to me.I licked his face in agreement before groaning and closing my heavy eyes, darkness flooding my sight as I fell asleep.

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