Ch. 2

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This boy came out. He had brown hair with green eyes. He went and stand next to Astrid.

"Umm, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Hiccup...Astrid's friend," He spoke. 

"Why are you guys here," Anna said with a suspicious tone. 

"Hey, I thought you were nice?" Astrid said with a mad face.

"Listen, you guys look weird and don't look like you belong here," I said with mad voice.

I knew something was up when Astrid's eyes started to glow brightly. I backed up slowly. Astrid went and blinked a few time until the glow was gone. 

"Uhh...your...your...eye..." I stuttered.

"Wait! Don't tell anyone about these," Hiccup spoke stepping forward a little.

"You stay away from us! Whatever you are shouldn't be here," Anna shouted. 

"Listen, please don't tell anyone...I'm begging you," Astrid said.

That's when I did what my gut told I quickly grabbed Anna's hand and went running...running away from these people or should I even call them that?

Somewhere very, very far away

"Hey, what are you doing?" Elsa asked curiously.

"You know...the same old thing," Heather replied while sharpening her ax.

"Did you know that your birthday is coming up soon," Elsa said going to Heather. 

"Yeah, have no clue of what to do though," Heather laughed. 

"You should at least have something in your mind," Elsa spoked while going to her.

"I don't...maybe try not to get killed," Heather sighed while putting her axe down. 

"Well, something's bothering you."

"There's nothing Elsa, so you don't have to worry."

"I always worry for you, Heather." 

"I've been on my own for years."

I watch Heather get up and starts to walk away. I didn't follow because I thought she might of want alone time.

"Okay, I'll see you home then?" I questioned but knew she wouldn't answer. 

Wonder why her birthday bothers her. I mean, every time her birthday comes up she starts to act weird. I wonder if something happened on her birthday that made her stop being...excited about it. 

Back with Anna & Rapunzel

"Do you think we lost them?" Anna questioned.

"I don't know, but I do know that they might not be like us."

"Wait, what do you mean by us?" Anna said with a worried look in her face. 

"Don't you see? We humans don't make our eyes glow." I said going to my computer.

"You have a point there, but what if it was just the sun's light?" Anna spoke trying to prove me wrong.

"I know what I saw Anna."

"Okay, okay. Just calm down now.

That's when I knew I had to do something. I went to my computer and started to do some research. What if? What if they are the mysterious creatures that people talk about? Hold up, that wouldn't make any sense though.

"Are you alright Rapunzel?" Anna said going next to me. 

"Huh? Yeah, I was just thinking."

"Wait, should we tell someone about them?" Anna suggested.

"No! No, we shouldn't...well at least not yet."

"Okay, but remember that you still need art to do."

"Shoot! I almost forgot about that!" I yelled out loud.

"You still have a week to do it."

"I..I just need something," I said looking around the house. "What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked Anna.

"Umm, just going shopping," 

"Great! Maybe I can find something while your out," I said smiling.

"Yeah, that's not weird at all," Anna sighed. 

A/N: Yup! Another chapter finished for this story! Looks like Rapunzel's thinking of something.  Hope you enjoyed!!                                                                                                              Updates will be slow.

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