Chapter 23

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     My Dear Annie,

I love you so much, you are my best sister, and I'm so sorry for the trouble I'm causing you now. Forgive me for not telling you what was going on, but please know, that I really do believe the things I hid from you were kept secret for your safety.

When all of this started, I was so scared. I wanted to tell you everything...just so I didn't have to carry the burden alone. During this time, I have learned just how important it is to simply trust Jesus to meet all of my needs. Even in the darkest times, He has not left me. Though I sometimes feel terribly alone, He reminds me of His presence. I know what you are going through is one of the most difficult things you will ever face, but take this opportunity to cling to God. People can let us down whether they want to or not, but it is impossible for the Creator to be anything but just and good.

I feel I need to share a verse with you that has helped me so much through all of this. Proverbs 29:25 "The fear of man bringeth a snare, but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe." The people you are dealing with are the worst of the worst...they're scary. But you're in good Hands. They can't do anything to you that God doesn't allow. I can't seem to get the song 'Trusting Jesus' out of my head these days. The words are so encouraging.

'Singing if the way is clear,

Praying if the path be drear;

If in danger for Him call;

Trusting Jesus that is all.'

The path looks pretty drear right now, but He is still here with me...just like He will be with you.

I know you will despise me for saying this, but I hope you'll let Trevor help you through this. You may not believe it, but he really does love much. I'm not denying the fact that he was a total idiot last year, but don't let that stop you from giving him another chance. I wish you would ask him why he broke up with Becky; he's dying for the opportunity to tell you what happened. And when he does tell you, listen with an open mind.

Please don't think I'm trying to preach to you or tell you what to do, but I think every time you push Trevor away you are wounding yourself. I know how deeply he hurt you, Annie, but I think you fill in a lot of blanks with your imagination, and your ideas about what happened are not completely accurate. Every time you allow yourself to get close to him, you think up a reason why it won't assume to know what he's imagine he just looks at you as a diversion until someone better comes along. You're afraid he will hurt you again, and I get that. What worries me is that you end up wounding yourself with these assumptions. You hurt yourself before he has the chance to hurt you. I wish you would stop doing that, it's leaving bleeding inside all the time and you deserve so much better than that.

I really hope you will give him the opportunity to explain, and I hope even more that you two will end up together. I know you probably hate me for saying that, but I don't care anymore. It's two would be perfect, and I think deep down you already know it. You used to have so much fun with each other, you respected each other, and your kids would be adorable.

Well...I hate to leave off with you fuming at me, but I need to go. Please know that I love you, and I'll see you again someday. Hopefully, after you live a long and happy life with my brother. (wink)

Your Sister,


Sniffing, Annie wiped her damp cheeks with the sleeve of her sweater. So many thoughts and emotions swirled through her mind like a churning sea. Her throat burned as she read the last words, and a smile tilted her lips despite her best efforts to stave it off. Her friend was definitely not shy when it came to making her wishes known. But was it possible Trevor loved her as much as Tracy seemed to think?

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